Some guys' names I love announcing.

If you don't like my announcing, you don't like me.

For me, announcing wasn't the ideal working condition.

Ted Cruz announcing he`s no longer never [Donald] Trump.

I'm always announcing my retirement. I'm still not retired.

It's been a great run. I've done everything I can do announcing wise.

One of my careers just before ring announcing was that I worked as a model.

Instead of announcing what you are about to tell is interesting, make it so.

A group simply announcing a caliphate, is not enough to establish a caliphate.

As director of the CDC, one of the best parts of my job is announcing good news.

I'm not a fan almost anywhere of announcing to the enemy of what I'm going to do.

Announcing a diversity initiative, or making it a cause, exerts unwanted pressure.

Today I am announcing that I will not seek a tenth term in the United States Congress this November.

Today I am announcing my support for Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States of America.

I was given a chance to try announcing, and it was a job that, in the end, I did not care for very much.

The first video I ever made, announcing 'Crash the Super Bowl,' I did about fifty takes and I wanted to die. It was awful.

I never pick a side when I am announcing a big boxing match but there's always a part of you rooting for the underdog I guess.

One day I was talking about what I was going to do next, and just found myself announcing it: 'I'm going to write a book about my father.'

This whole thing about announcing stuff and sharing it online is a new phenomenon. Keeping things private is really, really easy and simple.

Buying an aggregator and calling it a content play is a little like a company's announcing plans to improve its cash position by hiring a counterfeiter.

... to find beauty in everyone you must see beauty in everyone, then announce that you see it, for in announcing it, you place it there in their reality.

The executive moves we are announcing today will strengthen American for the long-term future and reflect well on the depth of the Company's management team.

I've had two lives. The golfing part... the younger generation sort of heard about me but maybe didn't realize I wasn't too bad at times. Then the announcing part.

The first gig I did was at the Troubadour when they were announcing who I was and they broadcast it live on SiriusXM radio. It doesn't get any more high pressure than that.

Between Clive Owen winning at the Golden Globes and the British Academy announcing its nominations, of which Sideways received only one, I'm feeling pretty humbled these days.

Imagine you wake up one morning with a knock at the door, and when you answer, there's Denzel Washington announcing that he's going to be filming on your street for several weeks.

Social media is a double-edged sword. I've gotten in trouble for announcing, too soon, something that the network or the studio wanted to do, and it steals some of the thunder, so to speak.

If you're a fan of One Direction, 2015 felt like one hit after another. Between Zayn leaving and the band announcing their hiatus, this was the year that Directioners would love to pretend didn't exist.

That's where this exciting bundle of energy and joy named Johnny Olson made his entrance and ultimately did the announcing. I had never seen anything like what I was involved in for the next 15 minutes!

Even 'The Inevitability of Death' is kind of a funny song more than anything. I mean, I thought it would be funny imagining radio deejays cueing it up and announcing it as people are driving off to work.

People have a right to surf the Web without Big Brother watching their every move and announcing it to the world. The Internet marketplace has matured - and it's time for consumers' protections to keep pace.

And then lo and behold IBM, Apple and Motorola took an ad in all the newspapers, double page ad, and said, announcing the chip that they were now able to manufacture it and that they were going to kill Intel.

I kind of live my life as an example, and I just never felt like I had to be on the cover of a magazine announcing that I was gay; it's just who I am. I just live my life, and I never really thought about it.

Today, we are announcing that agencies are releasing their final regulatory reform plans, including hundreds of initiatives that will reduce costs, simplify the system, and eliminate redundancy and inconsistency.

A key flaw of the Obama administration's approach to Afghanistan has been constantly announcing proposed withdrawal dates for U.S. forces, which has enabled the Taliban to believe they can simply wait out the clock.

I am announcing my resignation from Congress so my colleagues can get back to work, my neighbors can choose a new representative and most importantly that my wife and I can continue to heal from the damage I have caused.

I see my role as a scholar announcing that women's feelings of unworthiness and insecurity often may be traced to training in a male-oriented religion, and I'm trying to investigate a richer spiritual life for both sexes.

A deep river of must-have school mania runs through the chattering classes. There is, of course, the parental adrenaline rush at suburban cocktail parties that comes from announcing one's son or daughter as an Ivy Leaguer.

Now I can always be called 'Emmy winner Regina King.' I think that in this business, it must mean something. Every time someone has won an award, and they're announcing them or speaking about them, that prefaces their name.

I am going to be announcing today that we will have a business delegation come to this country sometime in the future where we will bring businesses from America to Morocco to show them the vast business opportunities here.

Originally, I think, I wanted to be an actor. But I got into broadcasting by accident, if you will, because I needed money to pay for my college education. I applied for a summer announcing job at a couple of radio stations.

When Bernie Sanders was announcing that he was going to be a candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party in Burlington, Vermont, I was the only cable host between FOX, MSNBC, and CNN that was there to cover it live.

As a major feature film with Asian Americans in leading roles, 'Crazy Rich Asians' is important. We hope that this movie will be our 'Black Panther,' announcing to Hollywood that we are here, we belong, and we are ready for more.

Suddenly, everyone woke up, and everything was moving online. We've got Netflix making original series, CBS placing their network online, and suddenly, everyone's announcing some kind of digital network for serving their content online.

Even when I was making the first 'Paranormal Activity,' I didn't tell anyone I was making it, not my friends or neighbors or co-workers. I just kind of found that there was nothing to gain by announcing to the world that you're doing something.

Normally, the secrecy and lack of transparency surrounding the appointment of judges of the higher judiciary ensures that citizens come to know of these appointments only after the Presidential notification, announcing the appointments, is issued.

No press conference announcing a last film. I'd just steal away. Best way because, if by chance after two or three years something interesting comes up, I would not - like Sinatra - have to say: 'Well, I've thought it over and decided to come back.'

I've known Al Franken for over 20 years. He is my friend. He was on the floor of the Senate announcing his resignation. I sat just a few feet away from him. He said it was the worst day in his political life. It was a somber feeling. It was a reality.

And I've tried to give us a higher profile. Typically, at a board meeting, we'd pass resolutions about the civil-rights issue of the day, but we'd never tell anyone. So I've instituted a policy of announcing our resolutions at the end of our meetings.

Modernity means overabundance. We are living in the age of mass-produced objects, things that come without announcing themselves and end up on our tables, on our walls. We use them - most of us don't even notice them - and then they vanish without fanfare.

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