I'm just a woman in love with another woman.

Never try to outsmart a woman, unless you are another woman.

He's 85 and he's met another woman. Still, at 85, why ever not?

In TV, a woman helping another woman break in? Not that common.

I do not have a competitive advantage when fighting another woman.

I don't define myself. I'm just a woman in love with another woman.

To be with another woman, that is French. To be caught, that is American.

The last thing I would ever do though is actively work against another woman.

You're not in competition with other women. You're in competition with everyone.

There will never be another woman for me, Alexandra. You are my eternity. -Michael

There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife.

I am very romantic. In fact, I just renewed my vows... although it was with another woman.

If a woman likes another woman, she's cordial. If she doesn't like her, she's very cordial.

As a woman, I know that if I write about another woman, it will be perceived as a catfight.

My mother was kept very busy with her sewing; sometimes she would have another woman helping her.

Breast cancer is scary and no one understands that like another woman who has gone through it too.

Queen Latifah was the first time I had ever professionally written with another woman of any color.

When are four women ever happy for another woman getting something they'd love to have? Tell me that.

I have had only two men in four years while he appears every week on the newspapers with another woman.

A woman is always ready to describe another woman as charming, but only if the other woman is not charming.

A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.

It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her son, and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.

I don't wish to curse anyone. I just feel bad when women, especially, try to sabotage the image of another woman.

I did commit adultery, if adultery is having a relationship in a marriage with another woman. I learned from that.

There is one thing I would break up over, and that is if she caught me with another woman. I won't stand for that.

It takes one woman twenty years to make a man of her son - and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.

It's rare to find women who have that balance between work and life, who are really psyched for another woman's success.

Every woman likes her own way, but no woman can endure to see another woman master even over a man who does not concern her.

Nobody knows what a woman feels or experiences but another woman. We are the nurturers and there are times when we need to be nurtured.

Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts, and his higher nature - and another woman to help him forget them.

For my kids, it's just weird to see your dad pretend to be someone else. It's weird to see your father make out with another woman. It's not cool.

I'm very proud to be a woman - you're part of a tribe. Automatically, you feel connected to another woman when you meet them. That's really special.

Ruby Wax has basically ruined my career. You'll see when you watch the programme. I get more intimate with Ruby than I've ever been with another woman.

I like to be good. I like being good at things. I wish that was valued instead of me being 'better' than another woman who also writes things and makes movies.

A woman in show business isn't honest with herself... so how can she be honest with another woman? We are, all of us, acting every minute of the day and night.

If a person's self-worth derives from being the only woman in the field, how much affection can she feel toward another woman who might challenge that claim to fame?

A woman's body and a woman's image is a very political thing, so I trust another woman to understand what that's like and how to portray it in a way people can relate to.

I think that Trinity's just the greatest character that I could ever play. I don't expect to ever play another woman that wonderful. I have a lot of Trinity in me, for sure.

My husband is leaving me. No dramas, no slammed doors - well, OK, a few slammed doors - and no suitcase in the hall, but there is another woman involved. Her name is Dementia.

Consider the fellow. He never spends his time telling you about his previous night's date. You get the idea he has eyes only for you and wouldn't think of looking at another woman.

Some of the biggest advocates for feminism seem to believe that in order to feel powerful you have to make another woman subservient, and that is not what feminism is about at all.

I would never judge another woman. For me, being a feminist means that even if we don't agree on everything, we should fight for each woman to be free to choose who she wants to be.

If you're a woman lying on the beach in the Maldives, you might want to know that a kilometer away, another woman is being flogged. And you might want to find your own way to protest that.

I know someone young whose husband left her for another woman. He later came back and wanted to rekindle the relationship. It was too late. His ex-wife had found someone else. Good for her.

With women and women, I think there's an understanding. Nobody knows what a woman feels or experiences but another woman. We are the nurturers, and there are times when we need to be nurtured.

It was better for me when I was joined at the court by a second woman. When I was there alone, there was too much media focus on the one woman, and the minute we got another woman, that changed.

I was surprised that my wife thought it was a good idea, then again with my agent, another woman, then my editor, another woman - in spite of the fact that all three of them reacted positively I still have this fear.

But I've lost parts because of my looks. I auditioned to star with Richard Dreyfuss in 'The Buddy System.' The producers said no one would believe he would leave me for another woman. They just couldn't see me with him.

I don't want a girlfriend because that means I've got a responsibility. I have a responsibility to call you. I have a responsibility not to be with another woman. I have a responsibility to be there on time when you need me.

But for me, I knew that if I had a baby, I would have to take care of that baby, and I wouldn't have been happy with a nanny taking care of my baby and walking into the room and having my child run across the room to another woman.

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