I never anticipated seeing 40.

We think of our future as anticipated memories.

I always anticipated difficulties in order to avoid scenes.

No one anticipated the SNP wiping out Labour in Scotland in 2015.

It's actually much harder to develop a TV show than I had anticipated.

I never, ever anticipated I would be a 46-year-old man impersonating Cher.

I have never anticipated success. I choose work, give it my best shot, and leave it.

I have to give credit to Hector Camacho. He's a much better fighter than I anticipated.

In the course of the reform, some new circumstances that we had not anticipated have appeared.

Education broadens our horizons and enables us to confront realities we'd never before anticipated.

I build a robot version of Jenna Marbles' dog, Kermit. It turned out a little bit worse than I had anticipated.

When you go public, the value equation of your company changes immediately. It is valued on anticipated earnings.

Swayamvar' is one of the most anticipated and sought after shows on television and I am elated to be a part of it.

When people have a willpower failure, it's because they haven't anticipated a situation that's going to come along.

I don't think many people anticipated how the Internet was going to revolutionize the way we disseminate information.

I never know when somebody's going to knock on the door of my own unconscious in a way that I wouldn't have anticipated.

The news is staged, anticipated, reported, analyzed until all interest is wrung from it and abandoned for some new novelty.

After being diagnosed with cancer, one is in a lot of fear and anxiety about the anticipated pain and the painful treatment.

I have to tell you I never in my life anticipated getting this old, this fast. It seems as if I were 25 just a few days ago.

The value of an item - in the mind of a consumer - is simply the difference between the anticipated price and the price on the tag.

Normally, learning lines is fairly easy for me, but when you add an accent onto that, it adds a complexity that I had not anticipated.

When I started this business, I never anticipated this would become a platform for me to talk about things that I personally believe in.

The routines of social intercourse in established settings allow us to deal with anticipated others without special attention or thought.

If something anticipated arrives too late it finds us numb, wrung out from waiting, and we feel - nothing at all. The best things arrive on time.

History can predict nothing except that great changes in human relationships will never come about in the form in which they have been anticipated.

Nobody had anticipated that chemicals was the direction in which Reliance was headed. I did chemical engineering because it was supposed to be the future.

In India, because of the huge investments materialising in industry and infrastructure projects, the demand for steel has grown much faster than anticipated.

Neymar is an unpredictable player. When defending when you have anticipated something, he has already thought of something else and it's impossible to defend.

I have said in many interviews that God had a better plan for me than I ever anticipated. I still firmly believe that, and I am grateful for a prayer answered.

I really like doing television shows, and I anticipated doing a comedy, because that's the place I feel the most comfortable - those are the risks I want to take.

I'm very interested in the idea of a large group of people who come together quite suddenly, but not illogically, for reasons that could not have been anticipated.

To be honest, I'm always really interested when people say they can relate to our songs. On the first album, that wasn't something I'd ever anticipated or thought about.

When I first met Sean Connery he was as charming and wonderful as I first anticipated. I left Rome thinking: even if I don't do this, at least I have had a day with Sean.

We have anticipated releasing the trailer for 'Do You Believe?' to audiences, as so many have been looking forward to this project as the follow up release to 'God's Not Dead.'

At times it's been weird because for the first phase of my career, I've been really well-known for a character that I was so not like and a character I never anticipated doing.

Technology has allowed us to have more drought-resistant crops. The spotty nature of drought, the spotty nature of rains can sometimes result in better yields than anticipated.

When my husband Jonas and I started Auntie Anne's in 1988, we never expected or anticipated building an international pretzel franchise. It was the farthest thing from our minds.

You just can't get surprised when you get surprised, because weird stuff just comes over the transom all the time, and it's not necessarily anything that you've planned for or anticipated.

First of all we have to recognize that despite all the problems - and in some cases failures - that this regime has been much more successful, much more resilient, than people had anticipated.

Obama's coalition would have consigned him to the political margins as little as 12 years ago, but the nation's demographic changes are moving far more quickly than most Republicans anticipated.

I'd heard a lot of Asian people were rooting for me, but I had no idea. I was stunned. They were... impassioned, especially compared to Japan. I couldn't even have anticipated that kind of welcome.

I went to Israel for two months in 1970 and worked on a kibbutz. It affected me on levels that I hadn't anticipated, working on a daily basis with people who were actual survivors of the Holocaust.

I think that much of this was running in background as I contemplated whether or not to attend the PS 99 reunion, although I certainly anticipated that I would not; it smelled like death, not youth.

You look back on films sometimes and if they have not been as all-out successful as you anticipated you try to find reasons why maybe it didn't come off for audiences as well as you would have liked.

The biggest mistake that I see homeowners make all too often is not doing a proper inspection of the home and falling into a project that is a lot bigger than they probably anticipated or budgeted for.

I think - in general, I don't think I've been involved in a single movie that turned out the way I anticipated it to turn out. Just because, as an actor, there's only so much that I can bring to a project.

LTE has accelerated faster than most people had anticipated. It really took off very quickly from the time it was introduced. We did have our internal development road map, but we just needed to accelerate it.

Zero gravity is such an alien environment - completely different from everything we've grown up with every single day of our lives. And it's incomprehensible how much better it was than I anticipated it would be.

Most of the time, before you get traded, there are rumblings. I wasn't totally surprised that I was going to get traded - I anticipated it happening. And I wasn't surprised that I got traded to the Knicks, either.

We've got to make sure that the young, violent, serious juvenile offender is punished, that it's fair punishment, that it's punishment that fits the crime and that is understood and that is anticipated and expected.

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