Sports of every sort had always appealed to me.

Timeless wearability has always appealed to me.

The USFL appealed to me, because it was different.

Sci-fi always appealed to me, like, since I was a kid.

I don't have an iPod! It's never appealed to me, really.

The ukulele has always appealed to the older generation.

My style appealed to people. That's why I had the fanbase.

Everyone loved 'Pyaar Ka Punchnama,' and it appealed to a mass.

I think that comic books have appealed to female readers for years.

Stuff that's truly off-trail was what appealed to 'Weird Tales' editors.

Work appealed to me; school did not. I was a disinterested, bored student.

Growing things and being able to live off the land has always appealed to me.

The idea of appealing to people of a like mind and like spirit always appealed to me.

It chills my blood to hear the blest Supreme Rudely appealed to on each trifling theme.

Sitting in a rocker never appealed to me. Golf or fishing isn't as much fun as working.

I think that's an idea that's always appealed to us - to let something go where it wants to.

I have done work that has appealed my heart, and 'Total Siyappa' is something I really liked.

I've always done roles that really appealed to me on a gut level and which I found inspiring.

North and South were equally confident that God was on their side, and appealed incessantly to Him.

Drinking and partying never appealed to me in lyrics - they don't have a lot of meaning behind them.

I have been fascinated with survival and having to go on no matter what. That always appealed to me.

Batman doesn't have any superpowers. He has to use his brain and his courage. That's what always appealed to me.

I have a quantitative background, but really, derivatives appealed to me because they require so much creativity.

The freedom of punk really appealed to me because I came from the rules and regulations of studying classical piano.

One of the things that always appealed to me about Nasa was we were always doing cool stuff that no-one's done before.

I was always into poetry and writing. So the urgency of spoken word is something that really has always appealed to me.

The phenomenon of vampires has always appealed to me. Everyone kind of likes a vampire story because it almost could be true.

I think working with the primal elements of fire and earth appealed greatly to my father because of the almost magical results.

The fact that 'Astro Boy' appealed to me as a boy in America was proof that the story and character transcend cultural stereotypes.

One of the things that appealed to me most about comics was that you can pick the ones you like and build your own personal pantheon.

Spice Girls appealed to little girls. It wasn't good music - mums would buy the albums for their kids - it was all about the gimmicks.

We were signed to a label that wanted us to remain little girls who appealed to other little girls, who were cute and non-threatening.

To any child, the first occupations that are presented to you are your parents'. I was appealed to my dad's occupation from the get-go.

When Walt Disney was making his films, he trusted his instincts and made films for himself, but they appealed to everybody, not just kids.

We need prefab housing, we need to repair what can be repaired. We have appealed to the whole world to ship tents and blankets to Pakistan.

Juggling is very, very straightforward; very, very black and white; you're manipulating objects, not people. And that's always appealed to me.

Anakattil Chackochi was a titular character that appealed to all irrespective of age and my son, as a kid, used to call himself Kochu Chackochi.

In Czechoslovakia in 1968, communist reformers appealed to democratic ideals that were deeply rooted in the country's pre-second world war past.

For many artists and critics, beauty is a discredited idea. It denotes the saccharine sylvan scenes and cheesy melodies that appealed to Granny.

The idea of being Treasury secretary in the abstract appealed to me, but my initial inclination was that it wasn't right for me to take that step.

Ironically, the first thing that appealed to me about Islam was its pluralism. The fact that the Koran praises all the great prophets of the past.

During college, in Los Angeles, I interned all over Hollywood. Development roles appealed to me; they were a perfect blend of business and creativity.

Did groupies ever interest me? No. I'm a pleasure seeker, and I like going bananas, but that's never appealed to me. I always thought it was a little bit naff.

I tried therapy. This had never appealed to me. For me, it was a bit like a Chinese meal: very filling at the time, but then an hour later you're hungry again.

I have always been a big fan of combat sports - ever since I can remember, it was something that appealed to me and something that I thought I would be good at.

My favorite was the Silver Surfer growing up. I just thought that his slug line, 'He who travels fastest, always travels alone,' always appealed to me as a kid.

The Romantics were whipping boys of the New Criticism, but they appealed to me anyway. I was recalcitrant. It was clear to me that they had thought innovatively.

One day, they told me that due to hyperandrogenism, I cannot compete. I appealed and fought it and came back to win for the country. Coming out was easier than that.

I was interested in big unknowns, and the brain is one of the biggest, so building tools that allow us to regard the brain as a big electrical circuit appealed to me.

I would do it today because the thing that appealed to me was not necessarily the mechanics of the robot, but it was his personality and how funny and charming he was.

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