I like rural areas.

Laurel Canyon area music is legendary.

I love the gray area between right and wrong.

Medical physics is an applied area of physics.

I always feel like you can get better in any area.

I like to show the grey area in all my characters.

I like to find areas where design has not yet gone.

The radius vector describes equal areas in equal times.

They told me I'd never probably see the front-line area.

The whole area of creativity is constipated and frightened.

Autism and seizures are the least known areas of illnesses.

Money has no grey areas. You either make it or you lose it.

I'm sure they're investigating everyone who was in the area.

One can never know for sure what a deserted area looks like.

I've got good vibes up here in the Akron area, Cleveland area.

Old men do it better. We're not so sensitive in certain areas.

I was the most powerful left-handed hitter in the Alameda area.

One area of liberal phenomenon I support is female bi-sexuality.

I read a lot, but I read about the areas that I'm interested in.

I don't think I will be able act; I am not talented in that area.

There are a lot of grey areas in my personality. We all have them.

If you keep winning, you don't know the areas you've to work hard.

Never say 'I went to Harvard.' Say 'I schooled in the Boston area.'

I like going to areas where the murder rate is high and dropping it.

I was like the good girl, bad girl, there were no grey areas for me.

Winning takes precedence over all. There's no gray area. No almosts.

Myeong-dong in Seoul is an area that is crazy at night, just packed.

To give everyone a house and garden is very difficult in urban areas.

Life isn't black and white. It's a million gray areas, don't you find?

The Bay area made me who I am, and it only felt right to go back there.

There are no lines in nature, only areas of colour, one against another.

Mistakes are a drag, because you get in the area of regret and self-pity.

With the areas which have no oil, the idea is to create industry and jobs.

When you're happy at home, it spills out into every other area of your life.

It's become a cliche to think of marriage as a disaster area and a war zone.

We enjoy change and freshness, and disco was only one area we've delved into.

Racism should be a core concern for all Americans in every area of our lives.

In four-day cricket, you have to be consistent; you have to bowl in one area.

My basic strategy is to stick to my core business and to my area of expertise.

Jermaine Defoe was from my area. Rio Ferdinand used to come into my barbershop.

The fans like a certain thing in certain areas. In Florida, they like the gaga.

Panko crumbs have tons of surface area, leading to exceptionally crisp coatings.

In just about every area of society, there's nothing more important than ethics.

I love the area I grew up in, which is right outside D.C., in Alexandria, Virginia.

People hate me, or they love me. There's nothing in between. There is no gray area.

Hamas, we know, embeds missiles, embeds command-and-control units in civilian areas.

Automation is great for profits, but it's a real potential trouble area for society.

We need to provide all areas of the country with access to high-quality medical care.

For Stripe, being inventive is just about applying the right solutions from other areas.

'Redeployment' is a military term. It means to transfer a unit from one area to another.

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