Me and Ashley feel like we're totally different.

This is not me, WWE doesn't define who Ashley is.

For Ashley Williams, he doesn't score many, but what a leader.

I'm the football manager of Newcastle, which is owned by Mike Ashley.

I am more than my measurements. I'm not Ashley Graham just because I'm curvy.

Gary Neville never seemed to know when he was beaten, and Ashley Cole never gets beaten.

Ashley Cole is a fantastic defender. I have seen him keep the best players in the world quiet.

Everyone always noticed Ashley. She was like a flashing neon sign for anyone with an ounce of testosterone.

My wife, Ashley, is a West Texan, a graduate of Abilene Cooper Public High School and the University of Texas.

There are lots of people I'd like to work with. It would be fun to be in a movie with Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen.

Mary-Kate and Ashley, who played Michelle, were great. I miss them, I love them, and I need to borrow some money from them.

When I was 5 years old, my best friends were Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen because we lived across the street from each other.

My mum used to always dress me and my sister in matching Laura Ashley dresses. And I'd be like, 'Mum, I just wanna wear my Doc Martens!'

On the 'Revenge' set, even if they're not showing my feet, I'll still wear my heels because it gets me in the feeling of Ashley Davenport.

When I was young, clothes were really just about what fit, because Ashley and I were so tiny. So I understood fit before I understood style.

Most of Charlotte's character is really who she is. A lot of who Ashley is is Charlotte and the same with my dad. It's not like I'm the Joker.

When I was very little, I probably wanted to be more normal. I probably wanted the Laura Ashley bedroom, and instead I got thrift-store everything.

I am very interested in the human voice and how we use it, especially when we aren't thinking, like the kind of stuff Robert Ashley was interested in.

So much for the myth that motherhood is all Laura Ashley smocks and skipping through fields. People think it's rose-tinted and they don't tell the truth!

I wasn't put on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' as a plus-size model; I was put on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' as a model, as a rookie, as Ashley Graham.

Now she had a fumbling knowledge that, had she ever understood Ashley, she would never have loved him; had she ever understood Rhett, she would never have lost him.

Well, I'm still looking for Maurice Ashley. My essential qualities. I think that more than anything, I try to do the right thing, I think about doing the right thing.

I played against Ashley Cole all the time in training. For me, he is the best left-back in the world. He was the hardest opponent and I had him every day in training.

The finger lick is just a really bad habit - I do it all the time. My wife Ashley is going to kill me if I do it at dinner one more time. I look like an animal about to dig in.

I usually do get the tomboy parts in the movies, which is kind of like me, but not totally. I like to shop as much as Ashley, but she is a little more of a girlie-girl than me.

People will run up to me with tears in their eyes and say, 'You're Ashley Graham?' and I match their enthusiasm and respond, 'Yes, I am!' and all they say is, 'Thank you so much.'

I hear that Brooke Ashley is also pressing charges. I don't know how she can prove anything. How can they prove anything, whether it's true or not, that I'm the one that infected her?

I was born here and I was raised here in Los Angeles. And when I was five years old, my best friends were Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen because we lived across the street from each other.

Ava DuVernay, Sheryl Crow, Diane von Furstenberg, Ashley Graham, Tracy Reese, Pat Benatar, Issa Rae, Betty White - they've all shattered glass ceilings, whether in music, fashion, or film.

It's kind of wild for me any time anybody says, 'I love this movie with Lauren Ashley Carter. I'm going to watch all her other movies,' because that's exactly the way I feel as a fan of other actors.

One of my brothers, Serge, was at a couple of professional clubs on trial, including Palace when they had Ashley Cole on loan. He was a winger, though left-footed, and I learned a lot of my skills from him.

I really look up to Ashley Graham and how she promotes her body and flaunts it. She's beautiful and stunning, and I'm not going to say I love her body on Instagram and talk about it poorly in my personal life.

Ashley Cheng, who I've worked with for 20 years, he's the studio head in Rockville now. He manages more of the day-to-day stuff. I can focus creatively on what we're doing now and what we should be doing in the future.

Obviously, when you walk into a room and see people like Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman and Charles Martin Smith behind the camera, it's big time. You just try not to think about it, try and keep up, hold on for the ride.

Whether it was investing in a strong workforce, leading the charge to protect our children or voting to balance our budget, I've seen Ashley Hinson step up and work tirelessly in the state legislature to fight for Iowans.

I met Ashley two weeks before I married him. It was a joke-the most ridiculous thing I've ever done. Once I was married, I didn't want to be a failure, so I stuck it out for six months, which was about six months too long.

Soccer players in L.A. can kind of just walk the streets. They have bigger people to take pictures of. They see Sylvester Stallone walking down the street, I don't think they are going to want an Ashley Cole picture, to be honest.

I filmed an interstitial with Allisyn Ashley Arm and Matthew Scott Montgomery one day. And we made up this weird thing 'cause we had to lay in the grass for, like, ten hours, and it was really itchy. So we call ourselves The Grass Gang.

The next time a news outlet complains about the state of our political rhetoric or the uninformed U.S. voter, we should promptly point them to the video of Ashley Parker raucous in a Polish cemetery or Philip Rucker's diatribes on party invitations.

My time at Pop has been a transformative experience that I am extremely proud of. It has afforded me the chance to collaborate with some of the greatest creative minds in the world, and I'm thankful to Ashley Heath and Bauer Media for the opportunity.

I felt very strongly about the Ashley Madison thing. Of the 39 million people who signed up for Ashley Madison, only a tiny percentage of them actually had an affair. And I'd go a step further and say even if they did, it's none of our business, frankly.

I think women think I'm inspirational because I'm unapologetic. I have cellulite. I have back fat. I've got a thick stomach. But I work my body like I don't because I don't know any other body. I don't know how to feel thin. I just know how to feel like Ashley.

Kieran Tierney is a lot like Ashley Cole in the way that he bombs up and down the flanks and that he is also so physically strong. He plays every game as well. He is not the tallest but he is a fighter and he is strong. He crosses, gets back and defends. He is a very good player.

Even when I first started modeling, my loyalty to those girls like Molly Goddard, Ashley Williams, and Dilara Findikoglu was important. I like to support them as much as I can. For me, it's as important to walk in their show or wearing their clothes as it is doing a Marc Jacobs show.

I grew up with a lot of people who are famous now. I was friends with Hilary and Haley Duff. They are such lovely girls. I have watched their careers blossom, which I am really happy for. I grew up with Ashley Tisdale; we used to both live in Valencia, so we used to hang out back in the day.

Even with the 'Top Boy' series with Ashley Walters... I've been talking like on the creative direction wave with Drake about the series. Making greatness with it. The whole style of what's going on in London, the sound, is real. It's an actual thing that actually happened. So it deserves to be on the telly.

Younger audiences are into me because I did 'Stuart Little,' and that movie was a very big deal for kids. And in 'Angels in the Outfield,' a generation of kids learned about magic and angels. And then, of course, there are these two blond girls named Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and I played their nanny on their TV show.

One of the first speaking roles I had was in a film called 'Svengali', with Peter O'Toole and Elizabeth Ashley. I was a waiter, and I had about three lines. And I was ready! I had been around people like that, and I knew they were just actors. All the work I had done, it was all there, and I felt like I knew all the mechanics.

I did this one movie with a great director named Wayne Kramer. It was 'Crossing Over,' and Harrison Ford, Ashley Judd and Ray Liotta were in it. I was one of the leads, and I thought this was it. It got shelved for two years, and then it was in theaters maybe a week. After that, I adopted a philosophy of, 'Hope for the best, expect the worst.'

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