I hadn't grown up always aspiring to be a CEO.

I may be an aspiring actor, but I am also a realist.

Yeah, well I'm not aspiring to be the Prime Minister.

As a young aspiring journalist, I felt I was put into a box.

I've experienced everything any aspiring artist could ever want.

I am always open to the idea of helping young and aspiring cricketers.

I have been aspiring to write some sort of literature for a long time.

I am not aspiring to be a senior bureaucrat. It would limit my freedom.

Anyone aspiring to literary greatness should read 'New Grub Street' and weep.

Every week, I take two phone calls or meetings with an aspiring producer or director.

I urge aspiring writers to write three full-length novels before contemplating publication.

In many ways, a degree in the history of ideas is the ideal training for an aspiring writer.

If you're an aspiring wrestler, Bret Hart is usually at the top of the list for inspiration.

Aspiring to a souffle, he achieves a pancake at which the reader saws without much appetite.

Parliament was an institution of enormous standing when I was aspiring to go in. It isn't now.

Run Adam will play a significant role in aspiring sportspersons' life to achieve their dreams.

If I could say anything to aspiring writers, it's to keep your own counsel, first and foremost.

I love checking out aspiring bakers' offerings at local farmers' markets when the weather is nice.

A lot of aspiring writers are all ready to write a novel, but they don't know how to write sentences.

Make sure your desire to do what you're aspiring to do is deeper than just fame and being a celebrity.

Acting is really not what I'm interested in. I'm not an aspiring actor and you should be able to tell.

For anyone aspiring to be anything, I would like them to realise dreams require work. So work big time.

When you are aspiring to the highest place, it is honorable to reach the second or even the third rank.

The barriers are not erected which can say to aspiring talents and industry, 'Thus far and no farther.'

I want all the aspiring models out there to know that it's definitely not just a pretty face that matters!

'Dial Star' is about an aspiring actress who finds the cell phone of AnnaLynne McCord and impersonates her.

Increasingly, staying in the middle class - let alone aspiring to become middle class - is becoming a game of chance.

With my somewhat vague aspiring mind, to be imprisoned in the rude details of a most material life was often irksome.

I am dismayed to realize that much of the advice I used to parcel out to aspiring writers has passed its sell-by date.

As aspiring athletes, you should never give up on your dreams. Just believe in yourself, and everything will be possible.

By highlighting female pioneers in STEM, we can encourage aspiring young women who want to study or work in these fields.

Nature that framed us of four elements, warring within our breasts for regiment, doth teach us all to have aspiring minds.

Like most female actresses, I am always aspiring to succeed and become a popular star, and my positive energy never dies out.

The only advice I can give to aspiring writers is to write the book that you would want to read, and hope other people agree.

So much of my life I've dedicated to golf, aspiring to win my first major championship. To be able to do so aged 24 is awesome.

I used to hang out with a group of aspiring directors before 'Pizza' happened. We used to discuss a lot of stories all the time.

If you are trying to achieve the 'perfect body' or aspiring to be like someone else, you are only going to feel like you failed.

Big businesses can help by engaging aspiring entrepreneurs and promoting initiatives which support small businesses from within.

Well, to aspiring writers, I would tell them that we live in a wonderful time where you're able to make your work visible, easily.

When I was aspiring to play for India, I'd look at the Ricky Pontings and the Matthew Haydens and think they were very intimidating.

I would advise all youths aspiring to athletic fame or a professional career to practice clean living, fair play and good sportsmanship.

At Venture for ,we've worked with hundreds of aspiring young entrepreneurs who want to build businesses and change things for the better.

Being a woman is of special interest only to aspiring male transsexuals. To actual women, it is simply a good excuse not to play football.

America's soldiery, like its war dead, comes disproportionately from its southern states and from its aspiring poor - both white and black.

At the end of the day, there's only a few major stars in the music business, and then there's all these people that are aspiring to be that.

We were just four unknown, aspiring Australian musicians singing happy, uplifting, melodic and inspiring songs, and being true to ourselves.

I truly believe that diversity is so important, and I hope that I can use my platform to encourage and inspire other aspiring female artists.

Aristotle wrote the 'Poetics' 2,400 years ago. It's really an instruction manual for aspiring filmmakers. It's as valid today as it was then.

It was only in the early 1990s - during my student years as an aspiring scientist at Delhi University - that I discovered the world of cinema.

Many casting directors won't hire aspiring actors because you might be burning some chick's headshot under the table so she doesn't get the part.

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