I try to assist team-mates.

An assist is like a goal for me.

For me, an assist is the same as getting a basket.

I just want to assist and score goals to help the team.

If you want to investigate, we will be willing to assist.

For me I don't care if I don't score or assist if we win the game.

Truth is, I love to play bartender and assist my husband at the BBQ.

Yes, we need a force to continue to train, assist, advise the Iraqi army.

When I play, I just try to score goals or assist someone - that's my job.

I like to make goals, but sometimes a nice assist is even better than a goal.

I'd like to think I'm an attacking creative midfielder who can assist with goals.

I want to be the best. If you score, if you assist, if you win, you are the best.

I can't for the life of me see that by being permissive you actually assist anyone.

Death row prisoners face enormous challenges in finding lawyers who will assist them.

I'm honored and humbled to be named the Seasonlong NBA Community Assist Award winner.

I believe, as do most people, that we have an obligation to assist the truly destitute.

We must become more energy independent. The development of ANWR will assist in this goal.

I can throw all the good passes I want, but if they don't make shots, it's not an assist.

Be a gunner? Me? I don't think I can do it. But I'll go for whatever the assist record is.

Every time I score or assist I am proud of myself if I have helped the team to get a result.

The NATO forces will, to the extent that they have capacity, assist the war crimes tribunal.

In the best of all worlds everyone in the Embassy is doing something to assist U.S. exports.

I always like to assist more than scoring: it gives me another feeling; I cannot explain it.

I'm a player who can score and assist, even if I know I'll have to help out defensively too.

I don't go out there to score goals, as I am just as happy if I provide an assist for a teammate.

It must be able to assist in devising the method of solution of problems and not merely solve them.

If I don't score, I try to give an assist; if I do score, I try to give an assist and score another.

Poverty is the only load which is the heavier the more loved ones there are to assist in bearing it.

A point makes you happy; an assist makes you and your teammate happy. An assist makes two people happy.

There is no constitutional basis for the federal government to be mandated to assist with student debt.

My mission in life is to assist women in social and political empowerment through business and education.

The Tax Division is committed to prosecuting accountants who assist their clients in fraudulent tax schemes.

I play a recurring role for a character named Doctor Imo. I assist the villain and show up from time to time.

Even if the team is not doing well and I can still pop up with a goal or an assist, then I'm making a difference.

In some countries, as many as 91 percent of women have no one at their side to assist them during labor and delivery.

Health care needs are paramount after a disaster, and medical personnel fight against time to reach and assist victims.

I just play. I'm not one to think about it. If I get one assist and we win, that's great. Otherwise, I could care less.

Obviously, when you've made a great assist... is a great feeling, but obviously, the best feeling is to score yourself.

Our primary objective must be to prevent wars, and when we fail in this, we must protect and assist the innocent victims.

I hold that while man exists, it is his duty to improve not only his own condition, but to assist in ameliorating mankind.

HealthWell is just one of several foundations that assist patients in making their insurance co-payments for expensive drugs.

Truly smart technologies will remind us that we are not mere automatons who assist big data in asking and answering questions.

And I think that Africa is making progress that the world needs to recognize and assist the continent to continue on that path.

For me, true and authentic democracy occurs when the privileged groups assist the unprivileged groups to become more privileged.

Every time you step onto the field, you have to set goals. My goals are to either score a goal, to have an assist, or to play well.

Our national values demand that we assist the families of our men and women in uniform, especially at the time of their greatest need.

When you become larger, the methods you use, the information you have, and people who assist you in attaining your goals should change.

When we reach out to assist the least of Heavenly Father's children, we do it unto Him. That is the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The essence of a general's job is to assist in developing a clear sense of purpose to keep the junk from getting in the way of important things.

When men's lives become extremely hard, women learn how to deal with them and assist them but also develop quiet systems of coping and managing.

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