Adventure is an attitude, not a behavior.

You are what you are by what you BELIEVE!

Gratitude is the most important attitude.

Have an attitude of positive expectation.

Attitude determines the altitude of life.

Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Attitudes are the real figures of speech.

A bad attitude is worse than a bad swing.

Believe in your potential, not your past.

A bad attitude is the only true handicap.

Whatever the attitude, so is the response.

Bambi can't act. Bambi had major attitude.

Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

Attitude is everything, so pick a good one

I don't have a lot of "I can't" inside me.

My attitude is always let it keep rolling.

Happiness and love are just a choice away.

Our favorite attitude should be gratitude.

There's a certain attitude to Los Angeles.

Faith is a practical attitude of the will.

Negative attitudes bring negative results.

Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise.

Hire for attitude. Train for skill... More

Life is a field of unlimited possibilities.

Attitude ... is the prophet of your future.

I always knew I was destined for greatness.

I will not get very far with this attitude.

You're working for me cut out the attitude.

Burdens become light when cheerfully borne.

The last freedom is choosing your attitude.

Everything depends on your mental attitude.

Positive energy and attitude is sexy to me.

What comes from the heart goes to the heart

I want my life to be a hymn to the Creator.

Your own mental attitude is your real boss.

It is part of the cure to wish to be cured.

There is nothing more powerful as attitude.

A change in attitude can change your life!.

Change is never a loss - it is change only.

Be true to what matters most to your heart.

Folks never understand the folks they hate.

An attitude of gratitude creates blessings.

I would rather make my name than inherit it.

You can disagree without being disagreeable.

Humor prevents a hardening of the attitudes.

Flight is nothing but an attitude in motion.

Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude.

There has been a change in attitude, though.

Positive thinking is hard. Worth it, though.

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