Golf is me.

I'm a golf nut!

I'm bad at golf.

Golf is not easy.

I play golf - badly.

I loved junior golf.

Wear it if it clashes.

I love to play to win.

I'm serious about golf.

I still don't get golf.

The holes are numbered.

A hungry dog hunts best.

Swing easy and hit hard.

Golf and dating don't mix.

Golf is the Great Mystery.

Miles and miles and miles.

Earth ... God's golf ball.

Golf is a mental disorder.

Confidence is king in golf.

Agriculture is the new golf

I don't play golf for fame.

Never saw one worth a damn.

It's cool now to play golf.

I had a 15th club in my bag.

I wish my name was Tom Kite.

My parents didn't play golf.

Golf is a good walk spoiled.

This is where God hangs out.

Golf is you against yourself.

Golf is played with the arms.

I know bugger all about golf.

I play golf because it's fun.

Few learn golf in a lifetime.

My handicap? Woods and irons.

The earth is Godʹs golf ball.

Swing hard in case you hit it.

I'm a golfer - not an athlete.

Focus on remedies, not faults.

What abandoned course is that?

I hit a one-yard draw in there

Golf course design is exciting.

The 'enemy' in golf is tension.

I played golf all over Detroit.

Golf is my boyfriend right now.

I miss. I miss. I miss. I make.

You can't lose an old golf ball.

Hey, is this room out of bounds?

Self-love is a big part of golf.

Because you pray after you play.

Golf was never a religion to me.

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