My books aren't autobiographical.

I am not an autobiographical writer.

All of my songs are autobiographical.

None of my movies are autobiographical.

Autobiographical fiction is very tricky.

I love songs that are very autobiographical.

I love James Baldwin's autobiographical writing.

I wouldn't say that my songs are autobiographical.

Autobiographical comics, I love them. I love them.

'Tender' is my most strongly autobiographical play.

Few writers are willing to admit writing is autobiographical.

I've yet to write a stand-up show that isn't autobiographical.

All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography.

I was actually born a robot, so 'Westworld' is just autobiographical.

A first building is like a first novel, it is always autobiographical.

All of my films have been autobiographical - it's all I've got to go on.

'One Minus One' and 'Barcelona, 1975' are more or less autobiographical.

Anything I write is going to be autobiographical and true to some degree.

A lot of first novels are coming-of-age stories. A lot are autobiographical.

My work is purely autobiographical... It is about myself and my surroundings.

I can't deny 'Fleabag''s a very personal piece, but it's not autobiographical.

Everything is autobiographical, and nothing is autobiographical. That's fiction.

You're always trying to make each record more autobiographical than the last one.

All of my plays are deeply autobiographical. But it's not straight autobiography.

Though my stories aren't autobiographical, I do sometimes use things from my life.

I wouldn't say 'Frances Ha' is autobiographical, but it's definitely very personal.

All through my writing life, I've had this impulse to write autobiographical works.

I occasionally experience the discomfort of people assuming my work is autobiographical.

I am autobiographical in the way a dream transforms experience and emotions all the time.

There's not a strong autobiographical strain in my fiction. A few bits of fact here and there.

I'm not an autobiographical writer, but I am a writer who deals with human emotion on all levels.

Poets can't resist the dramatic pull of their lives and so inevitably write autobiographical verse.

It is so common to write autobiographical fiction in which your own experience is thinly disguised.

'Hedwig' isn't particularly based on me, but I think that it is autobiographical in terms of emotion.

In many of my plays, there was a kind of autobiographical character in the form of a son or young man.

'Nil By Mouth' was a bit autobiographical, but as I always pointed out at the time, that's not my dad.

One of the strongest features of Puritanism is its autobiographical tendency, its passionate self-regard.

'Taxi Driver' wasn't autobiographical in terms of the actual events, but I did draw on my own mental state.

In each of my characters there is a little of me. Not strictly autobiographical but a little piece of my soul.

Sometimes I'll write something that's purely autobiographical, and sometimes pure fiction, and sometimes a mix.

I think any writer keeps going back to some basic theme. Sometimes it's autobiographical. I guess it usually is.

Novelists are always resisting autobiographical readings of their work, because they know how false those can be.

I don't cry too often reading books, but I did reading Francisco Goldman's autobiographical novel, 'Say Her Name.'

As a work gets more autobiographical, more intimate, more confessional, more embarrassing, it breaks into fragments.

The autobiographical doesn't interest me. I could think of few things less interesting than rooting about in my life.

I can't remove the autobiographical slant from the things I write. You always bring yourself into what you're writing.

As autobiographical as say the stuff on 'Rumours' was, I don't think we thought of it as such when we were writing it.

My work looks like a comic book in form, but it's not a typical comic book in content. I write autobiographical stuff.

I do think all art is autobiographical, and I do think I know quite a bit about women. I don't know anything about men.

I would like to do something autobiographical, set to music. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to try.

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