I love being part of the 'Avatar' family.

'Avatar' is a great movie. I really love it.

I see myself as an avatar of curiosity and doubt.

I'd love to do something else for Avatar after this.

I'm a cartoon junkie. Love 'Avatar: The Last Airbender.'

I saw 'Avatar' and liked it very much. It was a great achievement.

When you think about it, 'Avatar' is almost completely an animated movie.

The new 'Avatar' BluRay is a lesson in filmmaking. It really is inspiring.

I wouldn't say 'Avatar' changed my life, but it definitely changed my career.

We're always striving to make Avatar look like a cinematic, live-action movie.

If you get something like 'Avatar,' it opens up a lot of big blockbuster doors.

My favorite soundtrack is 'Avatar.' It's the best thing in the world. I love it.

Science fiction is about worlds you don't know and worlds you can create, like in 'Avatar'.

I hated 'Avatar' from the jump. And I like James Cameron. I'm not opposed to James Cameron.

Whether I appear in 'Avatar 2' or 'Avatar 3', I always feel I'm a part of the 'Avatar' team.

When you have a fully-realized Avatar, it's like Superman, and how do you make that interesting?

'Avatar' is staggering. It's seismic. Evolutionarily speaking, it is cladogenesis in a thunderclap.

I want to be in 'Avatar'. I want somebody to hire me to be Superman, a Chinese Superman or Spider-Man.

After 'Avatar' ended, I spent a lot of time watching MMA and kickboxing fights on UFC, WEC, DREAM, and K-1.

We really focus on being a platform for immersive 3D avatar experiences. Experiences that are heavily social.

Our experience on 'Avatar' heavily influenced how we approached 'The Dragon Prince' and how we built our team.

I believe in my heart that 'Avatar' is going to be the revolutionary sci-fi movie for this generation, in this era.

I've written before that the president is our national avatar - a stand-in for what we believe we are, or want to be.

With 'Avatar,' you're beginning to see the need for less and less actors and less of an appreciation for live acting.

I auditioned for 'Avatar' in Australia. It was a 'blind' audition. I didn't know what the movie was about and whom it was for.

'Avatar: The Last Airbender' is, to my mind, the greatest American animated series ever produced. The characters lived and breathed.

Apparently, Agent Coulson is a representative or an avatar of all the geeks. And there is so much love for Coulson and fan art of Coulson.

I think they tried the 3-D revolution at least five times throughout history, and it never seemed to work. However, finally, 'Avatar' did it.

So many want me to do another 'Paruthiveeran'; others are fans of my 'Siruthai' avatar. Extreme expectations, but I have to strike a balance.

'Avatar: The Last Airbender' creators Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko have, along with their team, painstakingly planned out the Avatarverse.

There is such a flood of TV shows, movies, video games, comics, and books, but somehow 'Avatar' is still being discovered by each new generation.

While we were in the middle of 'Avatar' we got a lot of volatile reaction from fans. They were very upset with the direction we were taking Zuko.

I don't know a single person that's like, ''Avatar' is my favorite movie.' It never even comes up. I don't know anyone that will defend that movie.

'Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali' is a film with a very different approach and we are sure the audience will love to see Salman in the avatar we have planned.

Mike and I figured out a lot about the world, characters and story in the initial two weeks between creating 'Avatar' and pitching it to Nickelodeon.

The sound world that I created for 'Avatar' had to be very different, really, than anything I ever created before. There is also three hours of music.

I personally found 'Avatar' - the blue people, to me, looked like painted art from the seventies. It didn't have the realism as, say, the robotic machines.

How many artists subscribe to the notion that creative success depends on input from the fickle muse or her modern avatar, mental illness? Probably very few.

However, if I can expand this to Top Cow or Avatar I'm helping the sales, however small, on my Marvel books because I'm almost certain to pick up some new readers.

I think Mike and I would absolutely love to do feature animation. Either another story, or it if worked out, one in the 'Avatar' world. We would be really excited.

I'm just making 'Threadworlds' out of the things I love and that I'm passionate about learning. When we created 'Avatar,' Michael DiMartino and I did the same thing.

'Avatar' means so many things to so many different people. When I think of the creation of it, I think of me and Mike at the computer in a little apartment in Burbank.

I think 'Avatar' is much more appropriate to high frame rates because it's like a ride, and it's futuristic, and vividness and sharp edges and clarity would be an asset.

If I could be any avatar and go into a social virtual space, I think I would try to be my avatar from 'Ready Player One' 'cause why not? He's already got the windy hair.

How mad would it actually be to do an 'Avatar' type animation film, but about something mundane like a Winn-Dixie cashier's day at work? That'd be something else, I think.

I can't imagine a more profoundly exciting experience than I had working on 'Avatar.' And whether I'm ever part of it again, I'll always be very proud that I was a part of it.

For kids growing up now, there's no difference watching 'Avatar' on an iPad or watching YouTube on TV or watching 'Game of Thrones' on their computer. It's all content. It's just story.

If there was a button that I could push that would agog my brain to the level that I felt first seeing 'Avatar' in its entirety and another one for food pellets, I would die of starvation.

The tailor from 'Avatar' actually made my suit for 'Uncharted 3.' And no, it's not a hand-me-down from Sam Worthington. My 11-year-old would fit in Sam Worthington's. I'm 6' 1", 180 pounds.

When 'Avatar' came out, we were out non-stop for a year and a half doing red carpet events. I had a stylist who helped me, but it was really hard, and we couldn't find many sustainable dresses.

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