I hate when songwriters refer to their songs as babies.

Milk are for babies, when you get older you drink beer.

A baby is a very heavy thing, any mother will tell you.

If you're gonna drive me crazy baby, drive me to drink.

Babies are like the smallest, drunkest people you know.

I got introduced to audiobooks because of having a baby

Baby steps count, too, as long as you're moving forward.

My heart's never smiled so hard Baby. Lovin' you is fun.

If I ever did have a baby, it probably would eat people.

Baby you're a firework, come on, let your colors burst!!

I realize why women die in childbirth - it's preferable.

How dare you imprint on my baby? Have you lost you mind?

Every parent knows that for a kid, the car is chloroform.

Being pro-life doesn't save babies, acting pro-life does.

The biggest man you're ever going to see was once a baby.

If my baby don't love me no more, I know her sister will.

Chicken nuggets don't die any easier than baby fur seals.

Heartbeat, why do you skip when my baby's lips meet mine?

Light is actually the first word I said as a little baby.

It's tough campaigning, kissing hands and shaking babies.

There's nothing in the 14th Amendment about anchor babies.

The next time you want pussy, just look in the mirror baby

There ain't no "baby mama drama" up in this Vortex, homie!

O, here's the shoe my baby wore, but, baby, where are you?

Lestat: Toughen up baby. I'm looking for the eternal scum.

Life is a wheel. The more you give, the more you get back.

All babies look like me. But then, I look like all babies.

I want a baby from an Italian - possibly Sicilian - donor.

"Baby," I said. "I'm a genius but nobody knows it but me."

I slept like a baby. Every two hours, I woke up and cried.

If Elton John and Madonna had a baby it would be Lady Gaga.

The leg of a baby is stronger than the balls of Muhamed Ali

Work all paled into the background as soon as I had a baby.

If you want a baby, have a new one. Don't baby the old one.

Come on, baby, light my fire. Try to set the night on fire.

I had a strong faith that I would, eventually, have a baby.

And will I like being called a jazz-baby? You will love it.

Take my heart with you, baby girl. It follows you....always.

I threw out all the bath water, and there was no baby there.

I never knew where babies came from until it happened to me.

Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.

Man armed with science is like a baby with a box of matches.

I think I would be very sad if I wasn't able to have a baby.

Oh baby you ..got what I need but you say he's just a friend

Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last.

Even babies like to grab for things just beyond their reach.

I'm not following anybody's tracks, I'm making my own, baby.

I'm LeBron, baby. I can play on this level. I got some game.

I really don't believe in abortion. It's like killing a baby.

I sleep with my baby blanket, Kiki, that my nana made for me.

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