Did you know babies are nauseated by the smell of a clean shirt?

I took Bobby Kennedy through the delta and he cried like a baby.

I love rock and roll, so put another dime in the juke box, baby.

We'll have a baby who stutters repeatedly We'll name him history

Sweet weeping baby Jesus he has a six-pack to beat all six-packs!

The human baby, the human being, is a mosaic of animal and angel.

Move into kiss those sweet sugar lips, baby looks just like love.

A baby fills a hole in your heart that you didn't know was there.

Vickie is so fat that her baby pictures were taken via satellite.

I got my first laugh when my mother entered me in a baby contest.

People who make babies surrender their right to behave like them.

My baby lives in shades of blue, blue eyes and jazz and attitude.

Morality is the tendency to pour out the baby with the bathwater.

There, there, baby. We'll hide her body in the trunk later. (Tory)

It is my baby and if I want to bring it out to play again, I will.

The lover as baby is a less troubling idea than the baby as lover.

Take it easy baby, take it as it comes - specialize in having fun!

Before a baby is born, you have a baby shower, not a fetus shower.

My first name ain't baby, it's Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty

Michael Jackson has a new baby boy; no word yet who the father is.

I want to buy a house. I want to retire well. I want to have baby.

What is love ... Oh baby, don't hurt me ... Don't hurt me no more.

Aphrodite makes us understand why women have drowned their babies.

Having a baby is like suddenly getting the world's worst roommate.

Baby Steps are for Babies, Not Brands. Be Amazing or Be Surpassed.

So when I'm in that teddy bear suit, I'm like a creepy, sexy baby.

The baby Jesus was the last homeless person the Republicans liked.

If olive oil comes from olives, then where does baby oil come from?

Jesus Christ founded His Kingdom on the weakest link of all-a Baby.

Having just had a baby, I'm not going to be thinking about my arse.

All babies look like Renée Zellweger pushed against a glass window.

Personally, I think wearing a baby chinchilla says, 'I'm ignorant.'

I just want you inside, baby, we don't need to talk about promises.

Two premature babies was not a genetic thing; we were just unlucky.

It's very difficult leaving the house anytime with my baby at home.

It's like, you know how sometimes you see a really sexy baby? Wait.

Whenever I'm sad I just imagine if babies were born with mustaches.

I used to drink from my little sister’s bottle when she was a baby.

Babies are always more trouble than you thought and more wonderful.

She was a dull person, but a sensational invitation to make babies.

If you wanted to teach a baby a lesson, would you cut its head off?

Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy.

Scrawny? Baby, I invented scrawny. Scrawny is the new sizzling hot.

Choose the kids. There will be plenty of time later to choose work.

A loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.

We should be able to deliver bottled hot water to dehydrated babies.

I should try to be strong, but baby, you're the right kind of wrong.

How to fold a diaper depends on the size of the baby and the diaper.

I'd like to thank my wife, Anna. I love you more than rainbows, baby

Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they're already asleep.

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