I'm of Arab background.

My background is Scottish.

I'm from a Gypsy background!

My background is in health care.

I am myself of a mixed background.

I wasn't a great background singer.

I came up from a difficult background.

I have a strong art-history background.

My background is in improv and writing.

I've got a very interesting background.

As a kid, I had a background in theater.

My martial arts background is Tae Kwon Do.

I don't come from a privileged background.

My family background was deeply Christian.

My background was in performing originally.

I've sung background for a couple of bands.

My music comes from my personal background.

Chicago is a lot of my background as a chef.

I come from a very working-class background.

I never want to hide my wrestling background.

I'm really thankful for my improv background.

Background updating is absolutely the future.

I come from a traditional theater background.

With my background, I came out of the theater.

I'm just a husband waltzing in the background.

My background is degradation and sloth, mostly.

Bluegrass is really a big part of my background.

I don't really have a theatre background at all.

I love folk; that's a big part of my background.

I don't know much about my biological background.

I can't stand recipes that don't have background.

Merit should count more than academic background.

I came from a good, repressed Catholic background.

I had a bad background just growing up as a child.

My background is in social work and psychotherapy.

But, yea, I grew up in a strong Baptist background.

I made a living being a background singer for years.

But I came from a conservative Republican background.

No matter our background, we all have crazy families.

Certainly, gospel was my background - is my background.

The discipline of desire is the background of character.

My education and background thoroughly inform my writing.

I have a dance background. I have an athletic background.

Every gun sold should require a background check, period.

I was bred and raised in a multi-cultural music background.

I came from the most orthodox background you could ask for.

Work all paled into the background as soon as I had a baby.

I come from a working-class background in Queens, New York.

The whole culture of my background was deeply Conservative.

Another part of my background was that I was in film school.

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