Truth matters. Checks and balances matter.

You can't become a dictator through checks and balances.

Every year, virtually every governor balances the budget.

The Constitutional framework of checks and balances matters.

Arm balances, in general, are excellent for strength-building.

Balance is a good thing - checks and balances are a good thing.

The best comedy, I feel, comes in a drama because it balances each other out.

I think what balances me out more than anything is long walks and eating well.

In a tripartite government with its checks and balances, we have lost the balances.

Trade balances are determined by national savings propensities, not exchange rates.

The BJP must nurture the institutions that put credible checks and balances in place.

The universe, it balances. It makes sure you don't get a head that's too big. I love it.

This used to be a government of checks and balances. Now it's all checks and no balances.

I feel that exercise really balances me. Then I layer on the other obligations that I have.

I drink a lot of coconut water. It balances out all the other toxic stuff I put into my body.

But life is long. And it is the long run that balances the short flare of interest and passion.

The time I save setting up and cleaning up probably balances out by the time I spend on output.

As long as I continue to put forth who I am and what I believe, than I think it all balances out.

Cycling's primarily a pushing motion, and skiing is more pulling, so it kind of balances out the body.

Women tend to take care of men a lot, but I like a guy who balances that out and takes care of me, too.

On form of government, there should be checks and balances, and PM should be responsible to Parliament.

The Knesset has balances that will not allow it to pass legislation that would destroy democracy from within.

Our system of checks and balances requires policymakers to have accurate information about government actions.

In Belarus, the government is a kind of presidential monarchy with no checks, no balances, and no rule of law.

I love masculine cuts with suits and chunky jewellery. My hair is so glam, it balances it out, and it's comfy!

I work mostly during the week, and on the weekend I get to hang out with friends, so it balances out pretty well.

My budget is similar to the Penny Plan, which cuts 1 percent a year for five or six years and balances the budget.

I take care to only teach courses about fiction film. I believe that this balances and broadens my documentary work.

Todd Solondz is a film maker I've always loved because of how he balances darkness, humour and surrealism in his films.

I love the Manuka Doctor ApiRefine CC Cream in SPF 20. it balances out the skin and creates a great base for foundation.

Being able to go home to my kid is such a relief because he's such a happy kid. He balances my life out in such a good way.

As you get older, you become more vain. But as your looks slowly deteriorate, your eyesight worsens, so it all balances out.

One thing we know about government after the New Deal is that checks and balances through whistle-blowing is terrible policy.

There are a lot of perks that come with fame, and with every positive there's a negative, and then it all kind of balances out.

A parliamentary democracy that has developed its delicate balances over hundreds of years will not give up its sovereign rights.

I don't sign every check anymore, but I have my checks, my balances. I like the people I work with very much, but I check on them.

What 'True Blood' does really well is that it balances on the line between good and evil - you blur the distinction between the two.

It seems to me that the idea traditionally defended of endeavoring to maintain existing ethnic balances simply doesn't work any more.

The checks and balances is a way to prevent government from either devolving into an autocratic tyranny or an autocratic mob mentality.

There's value in checks and balances. And there's value in having independence in the governor's office with respect to the legislature.

Processes break in two ways. They break because they don't have the right checks and balances and because they don't have the right execution.

Our founders recognized that 'men were not angels' and that checks and balances in government were critical to avoid threats to the rule of law.

As a member of Congress, I believe Congress must provide oversight of actions by the Executive Branch as our system of checks and balances requires.

Salt's relationship to flavor is multidimensional: It has its own particular taste, and it both balances and enhances the flavor of other ingredients.

I think the founding fathers, in their genius, created a system of three co-equal branches of government and a built-in system of checks and balances.

It's true that robust governance structures, checks and balances, transparency of markets, directionally leads to... less vulnerability to corruption.

Biographies are no longer written to explain or explore the greatness of the great. They redress balances, explore secret weaknesses, demolish legends.

I feel like it does get busier professionally, but personally, I think I choose how I spend my time more carefully, so it balances it out in that sense.

Our culture is just a series of checks and balances. The whole idea that we're in a battle between tyranny and freedom - it's a series of pendulum swings.

I have always advocated doing everything possible to pay off credit card balances; it's good financial management and the ticket to a strong FICO credit score.

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