I love to be creative.

I love being creative.

We are all Michaelangelos.

Always push to be creative.

I have to be creative to be happy.

You cannot be creative with people around you.

We've had to be creative to get on the ballot.

The choices I make - they have to be creative.

To be creative you actually have to do something.

You can't be creative when you're completely happy.

I get to be creative and touch other people's lives.

To be creative, you have to be wrong most of the time.

In order to be creative, you don't have to be original.

When I can no longer create anything, I'll be done for.

Part of being creative is not being super-duper focused.

I just like being creative, whatever way I have to do it.

I love the rush of being creative. I really think I live for it.

I'd like to think you don't stop being creative once you get happy.

How can you teach someone to be creative? You have to create yourself.

Don't let the fear of not pleasing someone stop you from being creative.

But you have to be creative on how you sell yourself and market yourself.

I always knew that I wanted to be creative, that I wanted to create something

I don't expect executives to be creative but I do expect them to have courage.

I don't chase what everyone else is looking for. Being creative is all about you.

Creative and action are synonymous. You can't be creative. Without taking action.

I've discovered that the more freedom I have to be creative, the more creative I become.

One cannot learn how to be creative by reading Marx. Either one is creative or one is not.

Basically, I would be happy with any profession where I got to be creative and make things.

You can be cautious or you can be creative, but there’s no such thing as a Cautious Creative.

My parents were quite liberal with us, always encouraging us to be our own person and be creative.

The more constraints I have, the more opportunities I have to be creative to fix those constraints.

We've tapped into a huge demand, and it's up to us to fulfill that demand and to be creative doing it.

What can I tell you I continue to be creative, but have only been commercially successful outside of the U.S.

I think everyone has the potential to be creative but they have to find the avenue or avenues that work for them.

I stopped doing comics because I found the pressure really high to nail it every time. It's really difficult to be creative all the time.

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