No child's behind left.

Truth is never far behind.

Nothing is ever behind us.

Get thee behind me, tragedy.

Behind discovery is delivery.

My problems are all behind me!

I like being behind the scene.

Behind the cross is the devil.

I leave my character behind me.

Nature is always behind the age

Every pain has a gain behind it

Leave nothing white behind you.

God hides Himself behind causes.

The terrorists hide behind Allah.

I love the mystery behind things.

Behind every smile there's teeth.

To stand still is to fall behind.

Behind every bad law, a deep fear.

No one gets left behind, remember?

I prefer working behind the camera.

Brother, thy tail hangs down behind.

Behind every cloud is another cloud.

Kiss the blackest part of my behind.

The worst is likely to be behind us.

I never saw a U-Haul behind a hearse.

You'll always be two steps behind me.

I think women hide behind their hair.

Behind every fortune there is a crime.

A child correct behind and not before.

Behind every fortune, there's a crime.

God has a purpose behind every problem.

The idea behind stamped money is sound.

Our lives fade behind us before we die.

Only a fool trips on what is behind him.

Only a fool trips on what’s behind them.

I'm eighteen years behind in my ironing.

Beauty is in the behind of the beholder!

When a rose dies, a thorn is left behind.

A good soldier never leaves a man behind.

To put failure behind you, face up to it.

Never let your correspondence fall behind.

I'm Glad that the Bush years are behind us

We cannot afford to leave the poor behind.

When I’m behind a camera I forget I exist.

Focus on what's ahead. Use what is behind.

May my living be grace to those behind me.

Eyes bright, with many tears, behind them.

Behind me the world, ahead of me my world.

Behind every mystery lies another mystery.

My music tastes are often 20 years behind.

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