I kind of like being depressed.

I don't waste time being depressed.

It's brilliant, being depressed; you can behave as badly as you like.

If you spend your whole life being depressed about life, youre wasting it.

If you spend your whole life being depressed about life, you're wasting it.

Being witty was the only side effect of being depressed that was working for me.

I'll play for Rangers as long as I can, then spend the rest of my life being depressed

People don't know how to talk about being depressed - that it's totally okay to feel sad.

Being depressed in black culture is not a thing. I just decided not to tell nobody, not even my friends.

Googling me, you talk about being depressed. First of all there's 18 websites that predict my early death.

I hated being depressed, but it was also in depression that I learned my own acreage, the full extent of my soul.

I kind of have a happy magnet. I can't stand being depressed, so I work my ass off to get out of it as soon as possible.

It's hard to be a friend to someone who's depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.

People are getting ready for music that makes them feel happy again rather than being depressed at the way the world is going right now.

You can't fix yourself out of a mental health issue. You can't wake up and say, 'Today I'm not being depressed!' It's a process to get well, but there is recovery.

If you know someone who's depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn't a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.

Being a typical Pisces, I might have experienced mood shifts, but I don't remember any depression, or needing to do anything, or to have someone bring me out of being depressed.

Certainly, I think being depressed is absolutely part of the human condition, it has to be, if there's joy there's its opposite, and it's something you ride if you possibly can.

I went through a lot of maturing in a year or two. I left all my best friends, and I didn't really want to make new friends, so I spent a lot of time inside just being depressed.

The experience of being depressed and emerging from depression made me understand the idea of a soul. I felt that the language in which one could best acknowledge that drew from faith.

Stay working. Stay busy. It should be motivation instead of down time because down time is like being depressed. It shouldn't be like that. It should really be motivation to keep going.

I guess there are a lot of writers out there who get really inspired when they're depressed. I can't write about being depressed until I'm happy. That's all there is to it. I need space.

Being depressed is not a beautiful tragedy - it's hell and it's agony. Posting photos of someone that you don't have the consent for is illegal, and that's a huge, huge issue. We need to be teaching consent, and that's not just for photos.

The more you practise happiness, the better you get at it. So if you spend lots of time practising being depressed, you're going to get really good at being depressed. And if you spend lots of time practising being happy, you're going to get better at being happy.

So I just sat in bed for six months - I literally didn't leave the house - and it was the first time that I'd actually experienced being depressed. I'd be sad on and off but I'd never experienced actual depression. Like, crying for no reason. It was really horrible.

'The Stand' came out in May of '94 and was seen by 60 million people a night for four nights, and then two months later, 'Forrest Gump' opened. So within a very short time, I went from being depressed about not getting any work to being in two of the most popular shows of the year.

For most players it's hard to accept you've ended your football career and that you have to go out and do something else. But the way it happened to me, so suddenly... I went into depression and had to deal with that, being depressed, something that had never happened to me in my life before.

Stop allowing yourself to focus on depressing life circumstances - including focusing on being depressed about your weight. All this negative focus will only lead you to feeling bummed and wanting to pig out. Instead, consciously focus on happy life circumstances you enjoy doing, and create more of them!

Being sad and being depressed are two different things. Also, people going through depression don't look so, while someone sad will look sad. The most common reaction is, 'How can you be depressed? You have everything going for you. You are the supposed number one heroine and have a plush home, car, movies... What else do you want?'

There's songs you listen to at really heavy times, and you associate those songs with being depressed. 'English Rose' by The Jam, I can't listen to - it's just too heavy for me. 'Julia' by The Beatles, too. That popped up the other day, and I had to skip to the next song. They're both really awesome, moving songs, but I can't listen to them.

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