I hate being human.

Being human is overrated.

Sometimes being human sucks.

Music is part of being human.

I'm obsessed with being human.

Touch is the meaning of being human.

We are unusual and tragic and alive.

What a bummer it is to be a human being.

Merely being human is morally significant.

When did we stop being people, being human?

There's no victory-condition for being human.

Stop being Jews and start being human beings.

Part of being human is having a sense of humor.

Without emotion, what's the point of being human?

Christianity is an entirely new way of being human.

Being human is being a lot of things at the same time.

Obviously the idea of being human is a very human idea.

Being human is a lot more difficult than being on tour.

Who shall set a limit to the influence of a human being?

The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human.

Don’t get addicted to being human. This is only temporary.

As a little boy, I never felt comfortable with being human.

Thats the beautiful thing about being human: Things change.

Being human is the most terrible loneliness in the universe.

The plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone

Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.

Being human, we can only receive infinite truth in finite doses

I'm happy to be human, and being human means we aren't perfect.

Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.

The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.

can't blame a man for being human when human is all he'll ever be!

One of the penalties of being a human being is other human beings.

Bernie Sanders is all about being humane and loving to each other.

We always find it difficult to forgive our heroes for being human.

Play the role as a human being... human beings are three-dimensional.

What is the purpose of being human and alive without doing new things?

Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.

Let's all help each other be a little bit better at being human beings.

Being human, at times, is very painful, and that leads us to reawakening.

Snowflakery is simply being human, which makes it a pretty flakey insult.

Oh, humiliation is poisonous. Its one of the deepest pains of being human.

Oh, humiliation is poisonous. It's one of the deepest pains of being human.

Speech is a very important aspect of being human. A whisper doesn't cut it.

To my mind, there is a reason that music is there and it's about being human.

Being human in the digital world is about building a digital world for humans.

Of all the creatures on this planet none is more dangerous than a human being.

There are times when you have to choose between being human and having good taste.

… but only because exhaustion is a life-sign; it is at least a form of being human.

Challenging the meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human.

Humankind would improve if we concentrated less on being human and more on being kind.

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