Presence is more than just being there.

From every human being there rises a light.

The power of good film is being there in the moment.

My kids are the funniest two human beings there are.

Inside every human being there are treasures to unlock.

I love Memphis, and just being there affects one's outlook.

At the core of every human being, there is a need for love.

No gift can ever replace the value of being there in person.

Inside every human being, there is unlimited time and space.

My photography is the result of being there at the right moment.

A picture does a great job, but it's not nearly like being there.

It is only great men who take up a great space by not being there.

The best thing about Lord's isn't the slope, it's just being there.

To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.

He hadn't done anything. He hadn't needed to. Just being there was enough.

You cant get very far in this world without your dossier being there first.

If people can't relate to something, there's no use of the song being there.

Even the good can become careless without the Lord's being there to chasten.

Nothing makes you more tolerant of a neighbor's noisy party than being there.

Just being there at the Olympics, you kind of just take in every single moment.

That's the definition of a teammate, being together, being there for your teammate.

Going to Charlotte and being there two years, I missed L.A., but it was good for me.

There's something to be said with your quarterback your leader being there on Day 1.

It's very hard to balance being there for somebody else and taking care of yourself.

Friendship is being there when someone's feeling low and not being afraid to kick them.

I'm pretty good at weaseling my way into a job, even if I have no business being there.

Listening to something without being present is different from being there in the flesh.

There is nothing better than being there at the end and getting your team over the line.

It was treacherous. I think someone was injured. But I did love being there, we all did.

Wherever there's a human being there's going to be somebody that tries to hold you back.

As long as the fans keep comin' out, we're gonna keep making records and keep being there.

I seem to be able to get along with anybody when I work because I really enjoy being there.

I intentionally aided them by being there and blocking an avenue of escape for the victims.

There was certainly a space I felt for me, don't complain about it not being there, make it.

Never stop supporting music because it will never stop being there for you when you need it.

Working through experience is best for me, just being there and trying to get into the mode.

I was at Everton from the age seven. Being there 14 years meant any move was going to be big.

Would I work in Scotland again? Of course I would. I loved every single second of being there.

Whenever my country has something bad happening I feel guilty for not being there. It's weird.

My family has made a lot of sacrifices for me, and I'm looking forward to being there for them.

This world is too hard for me to leave my kids, without me supervising and being there for them.

A painter must think of everything he sees as being there entirely for his own use and pleasure.

In 2016, you shouldn't have to choose between succeeding at work and being there for your family.

Some artists send their verses, and others record in my studio. Depends. I prefer them being there.

I've got my hardcore fans, and I thank them so much for being there for me and not giving up on me.

Between pigs and human beings there was not and there need not be any clash of interest whatsoever.

I just don't accept midgets as human beings. There's only so much political correctness I can accept.

This is what you need to do in a luxury business: look for people who will like being there every day.

I love the immediacy of an audience being there and reacting. I'm spoiled, having grown up in theater.

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