I bend and do not break.

We must never bend too much.

I've always found ways to bend the rules.

I've been around the bend in corporations.

If you're feeling sluggish, do a back bend.

You can bend reality, but you cannot break it.

You can bend, but never break. Stay Unbreakable!

People, they don't know how to bend; they just break.

I want to still be able to garden while I can bend over.

I think people bend the truth all the time, unfortunately.

If God wanted us to bend over he'd put diamonds on the floor.

I was born in South Bend, and I've been a Hoosier all my life.

Imagination allows you to bend the rules of the temporal world.

Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.

If you try hard enough, you can bend the spoon; you can shift reality.

What appears to be the end of the road may simply be a bend in the road.

My weight blew up to 400 lbs and I couldn't bend down to tie my own shoelaces.

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

I have to bend my knees now when I pick my son. No more bending from the waist.

The first 300 m., I go slow and pick up speed at the bend. That's Hima's style.

I can touch my toes, but I bend in a strange way. I'll never be in the Olympics.

Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.

You have to split, bend over backward, touch our toe to our heads to get recognized.

Never bend the rules. You bend the rules a little bit and then it's a slippery slope.

Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose their direction and begin to bend.

My natural bend is to get attracted towards things that have been an influence in my life.

I didn't do anything with the thought that I want to go against society or bend any rules.

I have short hands. That's why I have to bend up to notes; I can't always reach the frets.

There is a theory that China will tend to push, and if you bend, they will push some more.

When I sing, my face changes shape. It feels like my skull changes shape... the bones bend.

The forward bend really relaxes the nervous system and brings blood flow back to the brain.

South Bend is a nice town, but you know that phrase - 'I was homesick even when I was home.'

Who cares if a carrot has a slight bend? They're all the same when they end up on the plate.

Life? You can't manipulate it or bend it to your will. You have no choice but to roll with it.

I don't excercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor.

I can bend over and put my head between my legs, stick my foot over my head, and stand one leg.

Exene taught me how to bend my notes when I sing. That's her style. And I learned that from her.

All flowers in time bend towards the sun, I know you say there's no one for you, But here is one.

Events are the best teacher for us. You try to learn from people, there is always some bend to it.

I don't make people bend over backwards, and I don't like that in people. I am definitely no diva.

As president, Trump's economic proposals will bend our very economy and tax system to his purposes.

It's really tough when you have back injury because you cannot bend; you cannot react at the balls.

If I can tell someone a story that makes them bend over and laugh, that's bigger than anything else.

At my age, I only travel business class because I just don't bend anymore; my body can't cope with it.

It was the success of 'Bend it Like Beckham' which got my name out there. 'A Mighty Heart' also helped.

I'm Jewish. I don't work out. If God had wanted us to bend over, He would have put diamonds on the floor.

It's not true that I never left South Bend to recruit a player. It is true that I didn't leave very often.

Teaching girls to agitate over every problem implies that relationships, and people, can bend to our will.

When I started playing hockey, I realised the entire game relies on your back- you have to bend to play it.

I just want to bend fire. You know, it'd be cool to throw some fire to a couple of old agents, the ex wife.

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