A billion dollars isn't what it used to be.

Over half a billion dollars a day is being spent by FEMA.

I want to be the first boxer to generate a billion dollars.

Anyone that makes me a quarter of a billion dollars, I like.

If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars.

That's a good feeling, to save your clients two billion dollars.

I'm not bragging but my movies have grossed well over a billion dollars.

It's a terribly hard job to spend a billion dollars and get your money's worth.

Saudi Arabia makes a billion dollars a day, okay? They make a billion dollars a day.

If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline.

Perhaps the secret to making a billion dollars in real estate is that there is no secret.

There's a certain part of the contented majority who love anybody who is worth a billion dollars.

If Wal-Mart invests a billion dollars and others invest $100 million, Wal-Mart is going to grow more.

Librarians in America do something like a couple of billion dollars worth of book business every year.

If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars.

No 27-year-old has the experience to run a company that does a quarter of a billion dollars a year in sales.

In terms of job creation, every billion dollars invested in the physical infrastructure creates 47,000 new jobs.

Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies.

If I had a dollar for every guy that came up to me to say, 'I'm not a scrub,' oh my God, I'd have a billion dollars.

As part of our research, we monitor just about every announced deal globally that is in excess of a billion dollars.

Even if you're a relatively small player in search, that can still mean a company that's worth several billion dollars.

A vast abortion industry, generating some half a billion dollars annually, sprang into existence in the wake of Roe and Doe.

The world doesn't throw a billion dollars at a person because the person wants it or works so hard they feel they deserve it.

Our foreign-exchange reserves when I took over were no more than a billion dollars; that is, roughly equal to two weeks' imports.

A billion dollars every week for Iraq, $87 billion for Iraq. We can't get $5 billion for childcare over five years in welfare reform.

You know how many movies it took Tom Cruise before he was making 5, 6 million dollars? It probably took a billion dollars in box office.

Last year people won more than one billion dollars playing poker. And casinos made twenty-seven billion just by being around those people.

Planned Parenthood has amassed a Third Reich-style death count completely legally and while pocketing half a billion dollars a year to do so.

We made Casamigos just for us to drink. Four years later when, you know, we're offered a billion dollars to sell the company, yeah, we were kind of shocked.

I would not trade you a billion dollars for the kids I led to combat in Vietnam or in fact any of the Marines that I served with for a quarter of a century.

The issue of remittances where we have millions of Mexicans working in the United States sending back dollars. He said they send back 10 billion dollars a year.

Congress has funded numerous programs to provide care and compensation to 9/11 victims, spending several billion dollars on extraordinary and unprecedented efforts.

If I could make a device where people could just intuit everything you are thinking - a little cable you plug into, like, a USB port, I would make a billion dollars.

Further, Japan is the second largest donor in Iraq after the United States, with over $5 billion dollars for humanitarian, infrastructure and reconstruction projects.

In life, we all struggle and strive to make progress. When will you know you've reached success? A billion dollars is a good sign, but there's a better one - humility.

Many people think that buying a fake product is harmless, but counterfeiting is estimated to result in annual losses of over $20 billion dollars to American companies.

Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.

Well, where is the money? Show me the money? Our allies have put up a few billion dollars, but the American taxpayer has been required to shoulder the burden of this war.

New rumors that Saddam Hussein is planning to flee to a castle in Libya with 10 billion dollars. Now President Bush doesn't know whether to nuke him or give him a tax cut.

Most website developers say an aggregator website, such as what healthcare.gov is, could be built easily for a half a million dollars. They have spent a half a billion dollars.

The last thing you want is a group of senators who just lent you seven and a half billion dollars to sit back and go, 'Look at these jerks and how they're using taxpayer money.'

If you're trying to develop a new drug, that costs you a billion dollars to get through the FDA. If you want to start a software company, you can get started with maybe $100,000.

It's impossible to get to a billion dollars by endorsement deals. The biggest deals only take you so far. It's how you make money when you're asleep that's going to get you there.

I think the Space Shuttle is worth one billion dollars a launch. I think that it is worth two billion dollars for what it does. I think the Shuttle is worth it for the work it does.

I'd put the ninety-nine billion dollars - whatever it is - that's being appropriated for the Air Force and the Navy, and I'd put it into schools. I'd put it into traveling scholarships.

Storytelling is the game. It's what we all do. It's why Nike is Nike, it's why Apple is Apple, it's why Walt Disney built Disney World and it's why Vince McMahon makes a billion dollars.

I wanted to create a multibillion dollar company that lets me go out and let us go out and change the world and create a Skin Cancer Awareness Center that costs a quarter a billion dollars.

I could live in a house in the sky with a golden car and have a billion dollars in the bank, and I'd still have a chip on my shoulder. When I feel slighted, I hold on to that. It's a good thing.

If I inherited a billion dollars and didn't have to work ever again, what would I do to fill my day? I'd paint, I'd write jokes and stories, and I'd hang out and chat to very interesting people.

Hollywood still makes things. We still export a couple billion dollars' worth of product overseas. Original, new product. Some people might not agree that it's original or new, but basically it is.

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