Ah! never shall the land forget How gushed the life-blood of her brave -

Choose well or die. I don’t care which. Just don’t get blood on my coat.

I learned to play the instruments of war," he said, "and paint in blood.

The blood of Jesus Christ can cover a multitude of sins, it seems to me.

You are in my blood. I cant help it. We can't be anywhere except together

Then she says, ‘I love you.’ Like three drops of blood falling onto snow.

I owe my life to blood donors. I'm forever grateful to people who donate.

Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red.

Baseball got into my blood early and I worked harder at it than anything.

If you are an inventor, then you are destined for blood, sweat and tears.

Change the molecules, juices in the blood, so they do things differently.

For love ... is the blood of life, the power of reunion in the separated.

Politics is in my blood. I'd love to be involved in 2008, maybe even '06.

We must fight our way to victory on a sea of blood and a horizon of fire.

Real love should draw no blood from the loved and buckets from the lover.

Seek to make a person blush for their guilt rather than shed their blood.

For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood.

It's ninety-six degrees in the shade... Before I catch blood on my blade.

A vampire's thirst can only be quenched by the blood of their loved ones.

After his blood, that which a man can next give out of himself is a tear.

Someone will have to pay for the innocent blood that they shed every day.

I don't want to go down in history as a man who allowed blood to be shed.

No person having the least particle of Negro blood can hold the Priesthood

Fashion needs fresh blood, and London is the most creative place for that.

When he moves, a streetlight stabs him, and the words flow out like blood.

I am proud of my black roots and of the black blood that runs in my veins.

Blood, always precious, is priceless when it streams from Immanuel's side.

The inactivity of a conqueror betrays the loss of strength and blood . . .

Witches didn't need blood to survive, but humans didn't need wine, either.

It is too early to love. We will buy the right to do so by shedding blood.

There were crimson roses on the bench; they looked like splashes of blood.

For my love, I will wade through an ocean of blood, even if it destroys me

It's easy to forget people are blood and bone. They're not indestructible.

Travel not only stirs the blood. . . It also gives strength to the spirit.

Colombian culture has a lot of music - it's in our blood; it's in our DNA.

A lover may be a shadowy creature, but husbands are made of flesh and blood

I don't want to go down in history as a man who allowed blood to be shed...

I wanted to be a doctor when I was little, so I'm okay with blood and guts.

Just when do men that have different blood in them stop hating one another?

I love 'True Blood.' I love 'The Walking Dead.' Those are fantastic series.

Extremists on all sides thrive, fed by the blood lust of centuries gone by.

Spittin' blood, smokin' guitars, fire everywhere - Kiss is where I started.

The battle over flesh and blood cannot compare to the battle for the heart.

I'm Cuban-American, everybody says. I have a Cuban background, Cuban blood.

Nothing ever holds together unless it is mixed with some of one's own blood

I've always affirmed, nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian.

Yet love enters my blood like an I.V., dripping in its little white moments.

Blood is a juice of rarest quality. [Ger., Blut ist ein ganz beondrer Saft.]

There is more honor in a field well plowed than in a field steeped in blood.

Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an embossed carbuncle in my corrupted blood.

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