The Muslim is as much an Indian as I am and of the same blood.

The cross is God taking on flesh and blood and saying, Me too.

I felt white, drained of blood, cared for, purified. Peaceful.

BLOOD, SWEAT & RESPECT. First two you GIVE. Last one you EARN.

I did not see his face, because he was all covered with blood.

Sensations sweet, Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart.

You know you're old if they have discontinued your blood type.

What will they say about my poetry who never touched my blood?

A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.

The safe time to invest is when there is blood in the streets.

I donated blood today. That's what I call getting an AIDS test.

He was like a child with haemophilia: every contact drew blood.

The winds that awakened the stars Are blowing through my blood.

No candy bars unless I've had a low blood sugar where I'm shaky

Coffee, It's the life blood that fuels the dreams of champions!

I love new writing, new blood, modern works by unknown writers.

Most of the debts of Europe represent condensed drops of blood.

Skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.

No one should have to pay for love in flesh or blood. (Acheron)

Blood is a strange color. It's darker than you expect it to be.

The best blood will at some time get into a fool or a mosquito.

Time pulses from the afternoon like blood from a serious wound.

I write in blood because I remember what it felt like to bleed.

There's been so much bad blood between the Kurds and the Turks.

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red.

One drop of Christ's blood is worth more than heaven and earth.

I think the blood is spilling in Syria and it's mostly Muslims.

I got tiger blood man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs.

The sight of a coward's blood can never make a warrior tremble.

In my novel, 'First Blood,' Rambo died. In the films, he lives.

I have begun to listen to the teachings my blood whispers to me.

All things are connected like the blood which unites one family.

Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood, and you're the one I need

I also identify as a Latin person, a person who has Latin blood.

There's an awful lot of blood around that water is thicker than.

No candy bars unless I've had a low blood sugar where I'm shaky.

Baseball is not a lot of statistics to me. It's blood and tears.

The altar of liberty totters when it is cemented only with blood

Keep your vampire mitts off me. I'm not your friggin' blood toy.

Christ's blood is the great sovereign remedy for sin-sick souls.

It's terrible, once you've got a man into your blood!" she said.

Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you're donating blood.

Come windless invader I am a carnival of Stars, a poem of blood.

There are vampires and vampires, and not all of them suck blood.

In theater, blood is ketchup; in performance, everything's real.

This is the law: blood spilt upon the ground cries out for more.

It is only blood that can wash away such an outrage; die or kill.

Mummies are dehydrated & they long for the blood of living words.

Comics are in my blood. It's my strange addiction, and I love it.

I am the blood of the dragon. Do not presume to teach me lessons.

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