Ev'ry heart beats true 'neath the Red, White and Blue

It's calm under the waves in the blue of my oblivion.

Kinsey was never a lawyer. She's strictly blue collar.

The deep blue of your eyes had secrets. I wanted them.

Blue Tongue Films is a very important part of my life.

I think of being an actor as a blue-collar profession.

Usually I get recognized for The Blue Lagoon or Dallas.

Now are the woods all black, But still the sky is blue.

Pages of revelation lie open in your empty eyes of blue

You like blue eyes, huh?" "Yes. I do. I like blue eyes.

Bugsy Siegel. The mobster with the beautiful blue eyes.

I like blue a lot, and greens. Earthy blues and greens.

Inside a dark well, everyman's favourite colour is blue!

Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell.

Once in a blue moon, an entire industry is a good short.

Life is simple, it's either cherry red or midnight blue.

You know you've made it when you can dye your hair blue.

I had the whole sky in my eyes and it was blue and gold.

I feel like blue jeans are kind of too 'country' for me.

Beauty is and always will be blue skies and open highway.

Any yellow, any blue, any red and a white are all I need.

Your life has more blue in it than a James Cameron movie.

But the sky was never quite the same shade of blue again.

I won all the blue ribbons for canning at the state fair.

'Blue Monday' is a dance track with a hint of melancholy.

I always wear blue shirts and I like wine or purple ties.

Blue Face Disgusting taste Flush it Shush it Cold disgrace

Look how the blue-eyed violets glance love to one another.

I consider myself a blue-collar actor, just chugging away.

We’re screwed. (Nick) Screwed blue and tattooed. (Acheron)

'Dredd' was a weird, little, out-of-the-blue thing for me.

David Bowie's death came out of the blue, as did Prince's.

Blue Devils may have won today. Devil gonna lose tomorrow.

I think 'Beyond the Blue Neon' is the best I've ever done.

Blue Jeans? They should be worn by farm girls milking cows!

God, Bones, you must have argued yourself blue in the face.

Blue jeans are the most beautiful things since the gondola.

Early violets blue and white Dying for their love of light.

We wore blue jeans and T-shirts. Our music was our gimmick.

It's true/ I do imbue my blue unto myself/ I make it bitter.

I've only had one platinum album, and it's 'Red River Blue'.

I always wanted to be a Blue Peter presenter when I grew up!

Stars are the daisies that begem The blue fields of the sky.

I ripped through the blue shade of the constraints of color.

It's a perfect day here in Australia, glorious blue sunshine

Politicians talk themselves red, white, and blue in the face.

I like orange and blue together, but I would never wear them.

I wasn't naked, I was completely covered by a blue spotlight.

I would like to make something very clear: Blue Lives Matter!

I don't use blue. I don't like it. It bugs me out. I hate it.

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