I think I underestimated the way people bracket you.

There's no skill. You can be a rock and move into another cash bracket.

The Allstate March Mayhem Challenge is a great, great bracket challenge.

Every age bracket has to be respected and it should be embraced naturally.

There is no money in films, till the time you make it to a certain bracket.

A lot of actors in my age bracket look at being still standing as pretty good.

I grew up in a bracket sport, in wrestling. You win, that does the talking, you move on.

That's the thing about Mother Nature, she really doesn't care what economic bracket you're in.

Every film boils down to relationships. It is the way you look at things, at life and you bracket them.

I'm not in the teenybopper bracket, and I'm not in the 30-plus bracket. The fan response has been really widespread, age-wise.

The more you win, the more you get paid. I'm not trying to get paid less money. I've worked too hard to get into this tax bracket.

Love is much nicer to be in than an automobile accident, a tight girdle, a higher tax bracket or a holding pattern over Philadelphia.

I get paid very well and am happy with what I make, but I'm not in the super-rich bracket. I shop in a supermarket like everyone else.

I don't want to put myself in any bracket. I will do whatever makes me jump out of my bed. I want to surprise myself and the audience.

I'm in the highest bracket. There's no way that a 22-year-old should be hit for that amount of money when he's got his whole life ahead of him.

I think it must be so hard to start your career with everyone going on about how gorgeous you are. To be in that bracket must be so pressurised.

We are keeping healthier and living longer and I am a good example of someone who is in the Age Concern bracket but is still working and keeping active.

'True School' is one great big reminder. It's a reminder to everybody in that middle school bracket that was in school when playing hard to get was out.

Well it's hard to bracket it like that because everyone always thinks you either go to America and you come back, fail or succeed, but it doesn't work like that.

I've lived with my dyslexia and gone on to have a successful recording career, but academically I never had a chance in hell because I didn't fall into that bracket.

I love what I am doing on 'SportsNation' and to now have the opportunity to do even more on 'Winners Bracket' as part of ESPN Sports Saturday on ABC is the perfect situation.

I believe that the only people who really, truly benefit from any of the policies of Republicans are the wealthy. I'm in that 1 percent tax bracket, but I'm not a man of wealth.

Comedy is such a frivolous world that it can make you addicted to the frivolity, and then a lot of people don't settle down and are still in that non-specific age maturity bracket.

I am quite amazed how, when people earn lots of money, they think they have to spend it on things that give them access to the club constituted by the people who are in their tax bracket.

To write a story about New York that only deals with people in your age and socioeconomic bracket, that feels dishonest to me. So much of New York comes from everyone bumping into each other.

The appreciation of capital assets is already taxed at an extremely favorable rate compared to labor. That's why the rich pay such a low effective tax rate no matter what their marginal tax bracket.

My first novel, 'You Lost Me There,' has been described as a beach read. Tough bracket, beach reads. There's not much room for mistakes when you're competing against the sun for a person's attention.

I knew I had I a better album than 'Up the Bracket' in me, and I wanted to record it. But I was told we've got to keep touring, keep promoting. That was the first time I realised we were on a conveyor belt.

For any female actor, the age between 35 to 45 is treacherous. Filmmakers tell me, I am at that awkward age. No parts are written for women in this age bracket, while men at that age flourish and have great careers.

I'm in an age bracket now where I can play the father of an adult daughter whose going through her life issues, and she'll come to me for advice while I'm wearing my Christmas sweater and swirling a cup of hot cocoa.

Legislation to create a new 10 percent tax bracket, reduce the marriage penalty, cut the tax rate on dividends and capital gains, and increase the child tax credit have been essential elements in this economic expansion.

I do not have a brain that I long for in dealing with matters of which I am ignorant - that don't come within my ken and a rationale, a reason, an argument and so on - and I can't do that, and I'm not in that bracket at all.

I could easily vote for things that benefit me taxwise, but the rest of my family is not in this tax bracket. So when I vote, I try to keep in mind my family and my community and what I think is best for the nation as a whole.

Fans are your greatest enemies because they tend to bracket you. And the moment someone expects I should do something, I break out. I often tell fans who say, 'Make a 'Gulal 2' or 'Gangs 3,' that I am living my dream, not theirs.

Two hundred years ago, industrialisation ruined the labour force. In the modern age, especially in the West or America, people who are 'efficient,' who can bracket their emotions off, tend to win. But at what cost to the rest of us?

I also find it interesting that a lot of people in their 30s are not married and don't have kids. There are a lot of people in this age bracket that are out there dating and trying to find love. And I never thought that at my age I would be.

And time itself? Time was a never-ending medium that stretched into the future and the past - except there was no future and no past, but an infinite number of brackets, extending either way, each bracket enclosing its single phase of the Universe.

Imagine a political system so radical as to promise to move more of the poorest 20% of the population into the richest 20% than remain in the poorest bracket within the decade? You don't need to imagine it. It's called the United States of America.

The quality of our academy system is very high, as good as anything in the world. Around the country, lots of people in youth development are keen to get together and find a solution to that 17-to-21 age bracket and how we get those players playing.

When I was growing up, we were in a high income bracket, one of the highest. I was one of the first in high school to get a car. And I didn't have to wait for it to be a graduation present, either. We've probably got one of the nicest houses in Sacramento.

Without any formal personal finance education or trustworthy resources to tell them otherwise, the majority of people in the 18-to-24-year-old age bracket do not know how to use credit effectively, tackle debt or make wise decisions when it comes to spending.

I can't put everyone in the same bracket, but many haven't got over the old Lacazette and the perception that I was a bit of a lazy striker who didn't really work hard for the team. At least, I thought I was working hard, but I didn't really know how to help my team-mates.

I'm 21 years old, and it's kind of uncomfortable for me to talk about, but I'm in the 1 percent as far as my income and tax bracket. But now that I'm here, there's no amount of money you can wave in front of my face that will make me understand depriving people of human rights.

All I'm saying is that, you know, whether we're worth a billion, whether we're worth a million, whether we're worth $1,000, it's what's in your heart. You know, $100 a month from somebody or $50 a year for people who may be in a less economic bracket, that's as important to the Lord.

I'm not called Jude Law, I have three names; I'm called 'Hunk Jude Law' or 'Heartthrob Jude Law'. In England anyway, that's my full name. That's the cheap language that's thrown around, that sums you up in one little bracket. It doesn't look at your life. But if one looks beyond, there is actually a little bit more.

I supported Obama because of his relationships. A lot of the things he believes in, you would say that it's not in the best interest for someone in my tax bracket, but it's not about that. It's about him making the world better and making it equal and even all around, and that's what I'm supporting when I supported Obama.

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