The Righteous Brothers were purely rhythm and blues, black music.

Big Brother doesn't like all these Little Brothers looking at it.

Gay sisters don't think too bad of transvestites. Gay brothers do.

All men were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers.

David Steinberg was the reason the Smothers Brothers got cancelled.

I was the youngest and only girl in a family of two older brothers.

The Wright brothers flew through the smoke screen of impossibility.

My brothers were gone on tour a lot, and I would miss them so much.

There's only one race - it's human. We are all brothers and sisters.

My favorite bands are the Allman Brothers and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

A Fed loan to Lehman Brothers would not have prevented a bankruptcy.

Growing up with three older brothers, I was destined to be a tomboy.

My brothers went to the parish school, one of the best in the county.

You know, I grew up with brothers so I'm used to being the only girl.

I have eight brothers and sisters, so I'd like to have a few children.

I like the absurd and the surreal: the Coen brothers, Bunuel, Kubrick.

We must continue to go forward as one people, as brothers and sisters.

There is a level of appreciation for brothers and sisters in the hood.

As for my brothers, of whom I had three, I know not how they were bred.

I'd go at anyone. I took all of my brothers' bull. It made me who I am.

I grew up pretty fast because I had a lot of older brothers and sisters.

I used to wear my brothers' hand-me-downs, which were all too big on me.

If I had a day to myself I would just play video games with my brothers.

The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility.

I love Ashford & Simpson, and I love the Brothers Gibb. They are amazing.

Either men will learn to live like brothers, or they will die like beasts.

All of my brothers and sisters are very talented. They all sang all right.

'Brothers McMullen' would not be picked up for theatrical distribution now.

I can't even say Puff and me are like brothers, 'cause we closer than that.

Mormonism is a little different, but I still see them as brothers in Christ.

But my kids, my brothers' kids - they think about trying to top what we did.

No more war! Never again war! If you wish to be brothers, drop your weapons.

I grew up with three older brothers, so I'm very much a tomboy in real life.

In saving Tibet, you save the possibility that we are all brothers, sisters.

I've never been one to say that Britain was joining a happy band of brothers.

Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint to me are like a pair of warm-hearted brothers.

If the Wright Brothers were alive today, Orville would have to lay off Wilbur.

If I'm at a party and someone puts on a Blues Brothers tape, I tend to go nuts.

I played softball for a few years growing up. Both my brothers played baseball.

I have three brothers, and they'd torture me if I ever told them I liked a boy.

I have played quite a few Test matches in the back garden with my two brothers.

I can't help but have my sights set on Scorsese, Cohen Brothers and Spike Jones.

I think The Singh Brothers - I know them as Harv and Gurv - they're doing great.

It's hard for me to reach things. It's good I have brothers and sisters to help.

I was captain of the rugby side at Shrivenham - as were my two brothers after me.

When you're younger, being a redhead is... Well, my two brothers teased me no end.

The doctrine of Christ enjoins men, all brothers in His eyes, to love one another.

Making movies is never going to get better than working on a Coen brothers project.

Dear sisters and brothers, we realize the importance of light when we see darkness.

It comes from within to not be ashamed of our brothers and sisters who have accents.

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