The first season, 'Supernatural' was very anthology-like. It was like a scary story of the week that the brothers would solve.

The one thing the Allman Brothers Band does not do is phone it in. They bring it every night and that's something I draw from.

I loved playing every sport. Soccer, water polo, horses. Whatever. I just loved it - especially competing against my brothers.

There was a 10- and 8-year difference between us, so my brothers were into tormenting me and I was into getting away from them.

It's the need for change that drives us to join forces with our brothers and sisters all around the world - but change is slow.

The first music I was ever exposed to was Irish folk music, like the Clancy Brothers. My father plays that and Christmas songs.

My brothers and I love playing outside and climbing trees. We really love sports, too - I think football's probably my favorite.

I'm glad Metro Station didn't turn out like Jonas Brothers. They need a Disney movie to become famous. Our songs overpower that.

My friendship with The Doobie Brothers never really changed. We're all still good friends, and I really admire those guys a lot.

HBO churn out some unbelievable stuff. They really got me with things like 'Band of Brothers.' But you can't beat 'The Sopranos.'

The first record I bought myself could have been 'Oh Lonesome Me' by Don Gibson or 'Wake Up Little Susie' by the Everly Brothers.

I went on the Andy Williams show, the Smothers Brothers show, and maybe I shouldn't have. But regrets - I don't think I have any.

There were times when I had great times with my brothers, pillow fights and things, but I was, used to always cry from loneliness.

I really don't know anything else because my brothers were famous when I was two years old. So I know nothing else, no other life.

If there was no Hollywood, no next movie, no deal at Warner Brothers, no place in Malibu or Venice, I would still be really happy.

When you have brothers, you learn to be fiercely competitive with someone you love so they won't kill you and you won't kill them.

Looking back, I see that I write books about brothers and sisters, about what makes up a family, what works and what is nurturing.

I grew up in a household where both my brothers had Type 1 Diabetes, so I was raised eating healthy food with healthy ingredients.

My parents got divorced when I was 2, so I have this weird thing where I have 8 brothers and sisters, but I am also an only child.

To make my brothers and my sister laugh was the greatest joy to me in my life. I like people who can make fun of themselves a lot.

If the Wright brothers hadn't put their lives on the line, we would not be flying around the world these days. So we need pioneers.

Hendrix inspired me, but I was still more into Wes Montgomery. I was also into the Allman Brothers around the time of those albums.

When I would go over to friends' houses, and they would be zoning out to Mario Brothers, I just found it the most distasteful thing.

Dire Straits is a great band. Someone tells you they like 'Brothers in Arms' and immediately you know they're a stupid annoying git.

I used to like the Jonas Brothers, but only because I thought that they were good-looking, not because I actually liked their music.

The way myself and my brothers have been brought up is that you don't give to receive, you give to give, and that is the way life is.

I want 'Like Brothers' to answer young kids who ask, 'How could I possibly become a filmmaker?' This book will step that out for you.

I had a lot of alone time with no brothers or sisters running around, or anything. I would just sit and imagine things, all the time.

The thing that's great about those guys at Miramax is the Weinstein brothers. They are the two funniest guys I've ever met in my life.

My mom is a science teacher in high school, and one of my brothers works in optics at Bell Labs, and so I was always surrounded by it.

There is a destiny which makes us brothers; none goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.

I'm not excusing crime or those who bring poison into the community, but I do want brothers and sisters in prison to know someone cares.

I was always being called upon to be an honorary boy alongside my brothers. I don't think I'd be a comic now if it hadn't been for that.

I almost never watch TV, except for '60 Minutes' and pro football. I love Drew Brees, the Manning brothers and the Steelers' linebackers.

In our family, my brothers and I shared toys. In other words, just because it was mine didn't mean my brothers and I didn't play with it.

Even as a small child, I wondered why the Dominican nuns who educated me were subservient to the Jesuit priests who educated my brothers.

I had good parents. Two older brothers, bit of a handful between us, all got ginger hair, a bit fiery. I remember a very happy childhood.

Those Duffer Brothers really know how to tell a story, and I think it makes you want to watch. 'Stranger Things' is remarkably watchable.

I know who Michael Jackson is, I know who Prince is, I know the Isley Brothers, all that. Still, I got my own thing going with this music.

My parents loved comedies, so we saw Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, the Ritz Brothers, and the Marx Brothers. I wanted to be one of them.

When 'You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling' hit, we were doing a show called 'Shindig!' and the Righteous Brothers suddenly became big business.

A lot of what I'm obsessed with is the relationship and the dynamics between people and the family, particularly brothers and their father.

I grew up in such a macho family. I had a former Green Beret for a dad, a mom who's really rough-and-tumble, and three very macho brothers.

We're all sons and daughters of God, and therefore in a very literal sense, brothers and sisters. And we ought to treat each other that way.

I grew up in a very masculine environment. So I was around a lot of men, my brothers and their friends. There was just a lot of guys around.

Through love, we come close to the hearts of our brothers - at the beginning, throughout the course of, and right up to the end of our lives.

My dad and all my family were into baseball. His brothers, my mom's brothers, my mom's father. Baseball was just always a part of our family.

I'm the only girl out of three children. I have two younger brothers. I've grown up around boys and men my whole life. I get them. I get men.

I've always been more slight, and I've always sort of felt that I needed to be protected, especially with so many rowdy brothers and sisters.

Once there were two brothers: one ran away to sea, the other was elected Vice-President-and nothing was ever heard from either of them again.

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