Rhetoric paints with a broad brush.

It's with my brush that I make love.

I've learned to brush off many things.

Jesus will brush aside your inabilities.

I never draw except with brush and paint.

Grain is the brush stroke of photography.

Brushes..? Nah. Hit 'em as hard as you can.

I'm always having to be told to brush my hair.

wash the brush, just beats the devil out of it

I'm not attacking liberals with a broad brush.

Our fans have been branded with the same brush.

Knowledge of anatomy is a tool like good brushes.

When you brush your teeth, I'll squeeze the toothpaste.

Daft as a brush? I'm daft, but I'm not daft as a brush!

My brushes, my cameras, and my willingness to use them.

Turn the damn tap off when you brush your teeth - Aargh!

Do not draw before you paint, it will restrict your brush.

You can't beat everyone up all the time with the same brush

The more you paint the more fluent you are with your brush.

A brush with death always helps us to live our lives better.

I brush my teeth with a Sonicare toothbrush before every show.

I collect words and phrases for naming the children of my brush.

Enthusiasm brushes off upon those with whom you come in contact.

It's the pleasure of picking up the brush and seeing what happens.

You'd have to be daft as a brush to say you didn't like Pink Floyd.

I merely feel emptyness. A hollow of dead brush where flowers use to bloom.

With the brush we merely tint, while the imagination alone produces colour.

I still have to remind myself to brush my hair and look socially acceptable.

If you cut a painter's hands off, he'd still feel the urge to pick up a brush.

Having been through the muck and mire, I've had my own brush with bad choices.

On the canvas of life, Every sweep of the brush matters, Counts for something.

... We brush aside all scales not our own, as if they were follies or delusions.

The one thing I always do is I always brush my teeth before I play. I don't know why.

I'm unhappy as Dylan Thomas was, because I'm not, but I've had my brushes with sadness.

My whole philosophy in survival is to take down brush as soon as you get in a situation.

In the brush doing what it is doing, it will stumble on what one could not do by oneself.

All I did was to look at what the universe showed me, to let my brush bear witness to it.

Humor (is) the process that allows one to brush reality aside when it gets too distressing.

My brush-strokes start in nothing and they end in nothing, and in-between you find the image.

I don't have to lay on the couch and see a therapist because my therapist is in my paint brushes.

Between our birth and death we may touch understanding, As a moth brushes a window with its wing.

I continue to get further away from the usual painter's tools such as easel, palette, brushes, etc.

Mike Pence is the kind of guy that brushes his teeth and then drinks orange juice and thinks, 'Mmm.'

Your thoughts are like the artist's brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in.

My goal with the makeup line was that you wouldn't have to use brushes. Fingers are my favorite thing.

Brush up your Shakespeare, Start quoting him now, Brush up your Shakespeare And the women you will wow.

People say I've had brushes with the law. That's not true. I've had brushes with overzealous prosecutors.

People say I've had brushes with the law. That's not true! I've had brushes with overzealous prosecutors!

She still felt his gaze on her like the brush of a finger across the back of her neck, making her shiver.

I don't use a lint brush or anything, and I don't iron, but I could easily pick lint off of someone else.

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