I've learned to brush off many things.

Focus on the positives and be grateful.

I try not to eat too much dairy or gluten.

Keith Powell and Judah Friedlander are like brothers to me.

I love doing horror with comedy twists and I think it's a really fun genre.

I was a dork. I'm still kind of goofy and clumsy and not always the most graceful person.

I'm not a huge fan of horror movies myself because I'm a big baby and I get too scared to watch them.

It is a challenge at times, but trying to stay centered and balanced helps me keep things in perspective.

I can’t say, "I eat whatever I want when I want," but I have come up with some great treats for myself that are healthy and satisfying.

I can't say, 'I eat whatever I want when I want,' but I have come up with some great treats for myself that are healthy and satisfying.

Kate Spade has great feminine classics and I love her bags. Designs by Rebecca Taylor, BCBG and Herve Leger are sexy and fun, and they work on my body.

I'm a big fan of spinning and yoga. To strengthen my core, kick-boxing is really effective. The resistance tones everything, and it's a great stress reliever.

I have so many girl crushes, it changes all the time. I love Catherine Zeta Jones, she's so beautiful, Lucy Liu, Jennifer Aniston and Zooey Deschanel; she's adorable.

My mom always told me, "Whatever happens, will happen" or "Whatever is supposed to happen, will happen." I've learned you'll know when you find the right person. When I found the right person, I knew it immediately.

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