Buffalo Bill's defunct

Sorry I don't eat buffalo.

It's never sunny in Buffalo.

I'm from the inner city of Buffalo.

I know I'm going to shoot a buffalo.

Buffalo wings and cider is all I need.

I know we'll lead the league in defense.

The Buffalo Bills will never stop fighting.

I love the warm weather being from Buffalo.

Buffalo Wild Wings is always a good choice.

The buffalo is a surprisingly stupid animal.

I'm very proud to represent Buffalo in the WWE.

Buffalo has a great fan base, they go crazy man.

I would have loved to stay in Buffalo and all that.

I had the best buffalo horse that ever made a track.

I grew up in Buffalo, New York, and was a big Bills fan.

We're doing everything we can to help bands from Buffalo.

The cow can be saved only if buffalo-breeding is given up.

I love buffalo wings and eat them at least three times a week.

My family moved to Buffalo, New York in 1940 where I was raised.

This is Buffalo, New York. It's like. Scranton without the charm.

A pound of Alaskan king crab legs and buffalo shrimp = happy Travie.

The meat of the buffalo tastes the same on both sides of the border.

My experience with Buffalo Springfield was that they did not rehearse.

I can't tell you how proud I am to be the head coach of the Buffalo Bills.

I always go home to Buffalo in the offseason. I really enjoy my home town.

I had an opportunity to work for the US Department of Probation in Buffalo.

Of course Toronto might as well be Buffalo, because we get each other's TV.

I'm from Buffalo, which is a blue-collar city, and I've kind of embraced that.

There's a certain vibe in my hometown; Buffalo is a city that has no illusions.

Philly fans are more emotional, but the Buffalo fans are a bigger crowd I think.

I used to date a girl from Buffalo. Why can't I meet a girl with normal parents?

My last two years at Buffalo, I've had so many trade requests. Rumors every year.

I learned about the market's power when I was traded to the Buffalo Bills for $100.

Ultimately, one of the best decisions I ever made was when I became a Buffalo Bill.

I was lucky that science fair was mandatory at my high school in inner-city Buffalo.

When I was growing up, I didn't know anything existed outside the borders of Buffalo.

Though so trifling, the success of our first Buffalo hunt gave us quite a social lift.

I just didn't have time to deliver a Buffalo accent in a day, so I didn't even try it.

Wal-Mart is going in and slaughtering [small towns] just as we once killed the buffalo.

I love Buffalo. The people here are wonderful, genuine; they look you straight in the eye.

I'm thankful for the relationship that I established with guys here in my time in Buffalo.

I lived around the man who was the model for Buffalo Bill in the movie 'Silence of the Lambs.'

Few Indians only had breech cloths, most being wrapped in buffalo robes, otherwise quite naked.

'American Buffalo' is special. I can't wait to fight to make an audience feel about it as I do.

I like to watch old films. Meet Me in St Louis, Cul-de-Sac and Buffalo 66 are some of my favourites.

It appears from Mr. Smith's account that there is no scarcity of buffalo as he penetrated the country.

My father had the main barber- and beauty-supply business in the African-American community in Buffalo.

The appetizer is just an excuse for an extra meal. Let's see, I will start with the eighty buffalo wings.

The audience, upon learning that the real Buffalo Bill was present, gave several cheers between the acts.

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