G'bye, I'm going out to play!

Bye weeks are nerve‑wracking.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

Good-bye... why am I hemorrhaging ?

It is never a mistake to say good-bye.

All I was afraid of is saying good-bye.

Good-bye broadcast, Hello, conversation.

here we were again , always saying good-bye

Learn how to let go and say a good good-bye.

Why did everything feel like saying good-bye?

I'll never say good bye to TV. I belong there.

Bye, Tess. haunt me if you like. I don't mind.

Bye, bye! I'm from Colombia! I'm Sofia Vergara!

I've had a lot of fun. Good-bye, and thank you.

We all have to find our own ways to say good-bye.

You sure you don’t want to kiss me good-bye, baby?

Brother, hello and good-bye. Frater, ave atque vale

I said hello unnoticed, you said good-bye too soon.

Motherhood was an ever widening circle of good-byes.

There's no greater power than the power of good-bye.

The umpire signals a bye with the air of a weary stalk

Any time you get a bye week you embrace it as a player.

Hello and good-bye are not as simple as everyone thinks.

Good-bye, Graystripe. I love you. Take care of our kits.

Yeah you can have a word," said Harry savagely. "Good-bye.

Take your tongue out of my mouth, I'm kissing you good-bye.

I say good-bye to the part of myself that misses him so much.

My first audition ever was for 'Bye Bye Birdie' in fifth grade.

Wave bye-bye to your cash cow, 'cause it's leaving the pasture.

I never knew there were so many different ways to say good-bye.

They say money talks, but all mine ever says is 'good-bye sucker.

Walk out backwards if you must go, but please don't wave good-bye.

Like a lot of women, I'm bisexual. Once I have sex with you - bye!

Good-bye to the lies of the poets. [Lat., Valeant mendacia vatum.]

Is it bad when you refer to all alcohol as "Pain Go Bye-Bye Juice"?

The weird thing about saying good-bye is that it never gets easier.

Sometimes silence was easiest, when the only word left was good-bye.

Kiss those cuffs good-bye." Lula from "Hard Eight" By Janet Evonavich

She didn't mean to be unkind, why she even woke me up to say good-bye.

I say good-bye to hope, but I also say good-bye to hope's disappointment.

Look, I hate good-byes, too. But sometimes, we need them just to survive.

Come hell or water high you'll never see me cry this is our last good bye.

I met my wife in 1990 when I was on the national tour of 'Bye, Bye Birdie.'

It means thanks, it means admiration, it means good-bye to someone you love.

If you said good-bye to me tonight, There would still be music left to write.

Okay, outside," the clerk said. "Conversation outside. Bye! Have a nice night!

It's always easier to say good-bye when you know it's just a prelude to hello.

Let's raise our glass and let the hammer fly, yeah, this is the long good-bye.

His was the disease we couldn’t cure. His was the good-bye that meant the most

I would never recommend losing on a bye, so that one definitely stays with you.

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