I live in a cabin in Santa Cruz.

I thought 'Cabin in the Woods' was really incredible.

If you're going to have a cabin fever, have a big cabin, you know.

I just know that for my honeymoon, I'm not going to go to a cabin in the woods.

I live in a Mobile Home - I've never had a house, except once; I rented a log cabin.

Here's the thing about 'Cabin in the Woods.' I did virtually no research on this movie.

In Canada, anything that's not in the city is referred to as a cottage. Or a log cabin.

When I was a child, I wanted to raise horses in Wyoming or be a cabin boy on a pirate ship.

As a cabin boy on a Norwegian sailing ship I earned five kronen a week in addition to my keep.

That's what keeps me up at three in the morning: Who's looking at reviews of Cabin Boy right now?

There are elements of intrinsic beauty in the simplification of a house built on the log cabin idea.

Coffee on an airplane always smells bad. Whenever it is served, suddenly the whole cabin stinks of it.

I joke that I'm in the market for a cabin in the woods, and, at some point, I won't be joking anymore.

If you're holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time.

It's much easier for me to sleep in space than it is back home. We sleep in a cabin, and you can float inside.

In August 2008, I moved with the man who would become my husband from Boston to a cabin in rural North Carolina.

I would be ecstatic if the very first writer to step foot in a Storyknife cabin was an Alaska Native woman writer.

For escape, I love popcorn thrillers that you can read in a weekend, like 'Sharp Objects' and 'The Woman in Cabin 10.'

We got together as a group to come up with the idea for 'Toy Story 3' in the same cabin where we dreamed up 'Toy Story.'

An aircraft cabin is a place that seems to be nowhere, but I find it steeped in the place left behind and the place ahead.

I'm not gonna do the same, tired, standard 'I was born in a log cabin...' kind of book. There's so much more I want to do.

Not so cold, some snow fell. I went inside the log cabin and said goodbye to Mother, she was so alike grandmother, just younger.

When I was a boy, one of my uncles had a cabin on a lake in Wisconsin. My family went there for parts of three summers, and I loved it!

I actually have a pig collection in my cabin: all types of old wood hand-carved pigs that my mom started for me as a housewarming gift.

An airplane cabin isn't the first place people think of when they choose an exhibition space, but I'm all for doing things differently.

'The Cabin at the End of the World' is my riff on the 'home invasion' subgenre of horror/suspense. Hopefully it's a big, loud, dark riff.

Is art influential? It can be - 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' rallied abolitionists, and 'The Jungle' provoked the demand for a safer food industry.

I grew up with a cabin so we'd always go out and hunt and fish and all that good stuff. All of the cliche Southern things one would imagine.

BottleRock has these incredible VIP cabins where a chef is preparing sushi for you in your cabin or lounge decorated by Restoration Hardware.

From the beginning, I got all Emirates cabin crew applicants psychometrically tested. Those who didn't want to be nice to others got rejected.

As Ronald Reagan demonstrated, it is still possible to progress if not from a log cabin at least from obscurity to the White House. It is also rare.

If I could write a story that would do for the Indian one-hundredth part what 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' did for the Negro, I would be thankful the rest of my life.

There is hardly a pioneer's hut which does not contain a few odd volumes of Shakespeare. I remember reading the feudal drama of Henry V for the first time in a log cabin.

I would love to rent a little cottage or cabin in Colorado and learn to ski or snowboard. And on the warmer side, I also want to rent a house in Hawaii and learn to surf!

The most remote place I've been to was in Greenland. I remember setting out for a solo hike from a small cabin, itself several hours' boat ride from the nearest settlement.

Of course I was delighted the flight was over, but I still had to worry about cleaning up inside the cabin, I had to worry about the hatch, how to get in the sling, and so on.

Literally, I don't have a television. So I don't really know what's happening pop-culturally. I read the 'New York Times.' And there's one worldwide cabin blog that I look at.

I won't call 'Cabin' an anti-home invasion story, because that's not exactly true, but the home-invasion subgenre is one I generally don't gravitate toward as a reader or film viewer.

It is no fun lining up in your own building - as the hockey players say - and touching the hands of fellow stubbly louts who have just sent you off to the proverbial cabin on the lake.

At the age of 16, when I had my first traning session with the first-team squad, I came into the cabin and there stood Ribery and he said: 'Come here, sit down. Take the locker beside me.'

I mean, horror films in general put humans in these awful supernatural or horrible situations, but 'Cabin In The Woods' cranks it up a few notches and becomes outrageous and totally bizarre.

Cabin Fever was murder. There was a lot of psychological stress, like not knowing if we were going to finish the movie. The day we arrived to start rehearsals, our main investors pulled out.

A handful of works in history have had a direct impact on social policy: one or two works of Dickens, some of Zola, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' and, in modern drama, Larry Kramer's 'The Normal Heart.'

I did not wish to take a cabin passage, but rather to go before the mast and on the deck of the world, for there I could best see the moonlight amid the mountains. I do not wish to go below now.

I like Alaska for the salmon fishing - it's fantastic there. I usually stay in a log cabin with no one around for miles. I like to go with friends, but I'm also happy to be on my own with nature.

To have an opportunity to make a movie like Cabin Fever, you have to get stuff thrown on you or you have to fall into a pit of water. It brings you that much closer to your mindset as a character.

Rubio and Cruz bring with them only in America personal stories that rival the 'log cabin' narratives of presidential candidates the 19th Century. They are Hispanic-American children of immigrants.

As a kid, my idols were Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson, and I get into crazy races with myself. Raimi was 21 when he made movies, and when I didn't get 'Cabin Fever' made that fast I thought I'd failed.

My favorite thing to do is still to go back to Peoria, go to my cabin and hunt with the boys. This is a great lifestyle, don't get me wrong. But fun for me is going back with my buddies I grew up with.

I grew up in a wood cabin on Puget Sound in Manchester, Wash. My family taught me to appreciate the arts and the outdoors, and I still yearn for the absolute silence I experienced there when I was young.

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