I see the Calvin Klein girl as strong, fun, and confident.

I hated suits until I wore a Calvin Klein; they just fit me.

I like fresh, crisp, cool, plain white cotton sheets from Calvin Klein.

I love Calvin Klein underwear. That's the only kind of underwear I wear.

I have been a muse to Mr. Saint-Laurent, Valentino, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Versace.

I don't like a lot of feathers and frills. I like a clean aesthetic, a Calvin Klein aesthetic.

Never in a million years would I imagine Calvin Klein flying me out to my first men's fashion show.

Just the other day, my assistant was on the line with Calvin Klein. Golly, I usually shop at Sears.

I've met people who didn't even know there was a Calvin Klein; they thought it was just the name of a product.

If anything, Calvin Klein is the iconic company in terms of fashion. They do have iconic images for their campaigns.

I have a thing for just a white shirt and blue jeans. I think I grew up looking at too many GAP and Calvin Klein ads.

I have made things for Calvin Klein and other designers, and it's interesting to see the way each person approaches it.

I started modeling before '1992,' and I had already done Calvin Klein and Target and Gap and Diesel, Reebok, so I had been modeling for a little bit.

I spent two weeks prancing around a studio in Queens in my underwear with nine other guys. They were long days. But what the hell, it was Calvin Klein.

I had wanted to be a Calvin Klein model since I was 17. Marky Mark in his Calvin Kleins was the epitome of male sexuality. That was something I worked for.

I have a fashion degree and worked as a buyer for Calvin Klein and Macy's before I had kids. I've always worked. I love to work. But my family comes first.

I did some great work with my Calvin Klein ads on the motorcycle. It was really groundbreaking because people hadn't seen a woman actually riding a motorcycle before.

One of my first fashion clients was Calvin Klein. We did his first freestanding stores. He was very exact and precise. But talk about high-fashion people who brand themselves!

The bottom line is that red carpet helps us broaden the appeal of the brand. Calvin Klein used to be about a very specific woman, but we've dressed so many different women at awards.

I really like Calvin Klein for his classic simplicity. I also think Prabal Gurung designs some great pieces that work well for me. My mom has such great style; she's my biggest influence.

I own more pairs of Calvin Klein underwear than I can count. At any given time, I probably have 50 to 60 pairs on deck. I travel with an entire suitcase of underwear and t-shirts, and they're all Calvin Klein.

I was an underwear model for Calvin Klein for a few years. It is not something I wanted to do at first. I never regretted it, but I am a shy person, and to stand there buck naked in front of a camera was scary.

My grandmother was amazing. She completely believed in me and was very encouraging. She would go to the supermarket or the butcher or wherever and tell people, 'My grandson is going to be the next Calvin Klein.'

I don't shop by brand loyalty at all. I'm just drawn to what I like when I shop. I do like this brand called Tiger of Sweden a lot, though. They make great sportswear and tailoring. And Calvin Klein; big supporter of them as well.

I vaguely remember in the '90s when Calvin Klein started making unisex CK1. Don't worry about whether it's made for men or women. Listen, we all like to put mum's clothes on sometimes. What's important is that it feels right for you.

I think I've done two shoots in my underwear ever. They both happened to be for Calvin Klein. But that tag - 'underwear model' - I just can't get rid of it. And it's such a bizarre, specific thing - underwear. It's like I never modelled clothes.

I am big in Japan... heightwise! But, yeah, I started modeling there in my teens and into my 20s. I did Calvin Klein, Uniqlo, and lots of magazine covers. It's such a beautiful country, and they have beer vending machines right on the street. Love that!

I have a tweet that said, 'I want to be a Calvin Klein model,' and that was in 2011. And then I modeled for Calvin Klein. And then I had a tweet like, 'I wonder what it's like to be in front of thousands of fans,' and I've been in front of thousands of fans.

I got to train with some of the best and have critics like Oscar de la Renta and Calvin Klein. As a student under Calvin Klein, my project was to make a coat, and then years later, I was hired at Calvin, by Calvin, to design coats for him. It came full circle!

My whole life has changed so much, and it's still constantly changing, but 'Moonlight' brought about a bunch of opportunities that were really surreal, from the Oscars and Golden Globes to the notoriety that it brought, to even doing things like working with Calvin Klein.

My name is on the door, and I care very much about the design that gets put out. I'm sorry, but it has to be my way. You learn that by working for people like I. M. Pei. You think he isn't a design tyrant? Is Calvin Klein a tyrant? When it came to his dresses, he had to be.

Calvin Klein is such an iconic brand in fashion, so I feel like working with them means you're definitely doing something right. They bring validation to someone, not only in the fashion community but in someone's career, which is why it was such an honor to work with them.

When it comes to underwear, there's nothing worse than a visible panty line. Sometimes it seems like nobody knows that seamless underwear exists. But Calvin Klein makes them. Commando makes them. Hanky Panky makes them. You don't need a drawer full; a few pairs will suffice.

In 1990, if I wanted a pair of Calvin Klein jeans I had seen in a magazine, I'd head to the mall, sift through piles of inventory to find my size, try them on, ask the opinion of the often inexperienced sales associate, wait in line to check out, pay, and head home. The process was linear and ripe for improvement.

I was raised a Calvinist. You might think you know what that means, but let me explain it the way my mother preached it to my three sisters and me back when we were at home: 'I buy my girls Calvin Klein clothes, so that's all they know. Then, when they graduate from college, they have to figure out how to pay for them themselves.'

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