I love candy!

I love any kind of candy.

I always saw candy as art.

Licorice is the liver of candy.

Candy Crowley's hair is PERFECT!!

I'm not really a big candy eater.

Candy is my fuel. Ice cream, too.

My favorite candy bar is a PayDay.

I can't be the candy queen forever.

I could not be arm candy to a hero.

I shop for candy instead of clothes!

Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.

Candy is dandy but liqueur is quicker.

I only eat candy on Halloween. No lie.

Jolly Rancher candy canes are the bomb.

Really sucked the red off of all my candy.

It's clear, it's fresh, like a mint candy.

But he's Rachel Candy!" -Both Jenks and Al

I can't eat pure sugar. I can't have candy.

I have to have the cotton candy shipped in.

I was never into candy and games and clowns.

the moon rattles like a fragment of angry candy

Working with Candy Bergen was really wonderful.

JUST LIKE CANDY is a delicious, decadent treat.

Fablehaven's awesome!!so is the candy shop war!

I remember candy rationing until I was, like, 7.

Love a man who'll bleed to make a point. (Candy)

Consider me your candy stripper... I mean striper.

Candy within reach and then I have to go on a diet.

My husband proposed to me on the beach using candy.

I've never looked at myself as this pop candy type.

I'm a sitcom junky. And I love rom coms. Mind candy.

I eat a lot of candy. I can't survive without candy.

All the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911.

My scalp tingled like Christmas candy on a cold tongue.

I definitely eat candy in bed. I eat candy wherever I am.

I painted billboards above every candy store in Brooklyn.

If I played in New York, they'd name a candy bar after me.

When people see me, I might come across as just eye candy.

My mom didn't let me eat sugar or candy until I was older.

Too much art was no art at all. Like candy instead of bread!

A lot of my fans know that I love candy. I eat candy all day.

I love eating junk food. I'm a huge snacker, chips and candy.

We have a thin candy shell, I'm surprised you didn't know that.

One can live without candy, but one cannot live without bullets.

Going out into the world, I do feel like a kid in a candy store.

No candy bars unless I've had a low blood sugar where I'm shaky.

My guilty pleasure is definitely candy! Skittles are my favourite.

There's no denying that candy is comfort food and it's affordable.

I think people always want candy, whether you're a kid or an adult.

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