I don't like to believe in canon.

I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark III.

Working on 'Clone Wars,' it was always canon.

In my mind, scatological writing is a core of the English canon.

Everything that I've worked on at Lucasfilm has been considered canon.

Let the Dean and Canons lay their heads together and the thing will be done.

You have to have a canon so the next generation can come along and explode it.

I sold all my medium format equipment in 2005 after Canon came out with the 12 megapixel EOS 1Ds.

The Church no more gave us the New Testament canon than Isaac Newton gave us the force of gravity.

We have a rule in our franchise that there is no canon. You as a player decide what your story is.

Canon law itself says for one case of guilt, a priest can be dismissed from the clerical state. One.

The first canon of my religion is that you shouldn't try to convince anybody to believe like you do.

I do think that memoirs by women are reviewed differently and considered somewhat outside of the canon.

Eighty per cent of my output is 'Mallory clowns on the Western canon,' and I'm happy to be that person.

Along with 'Wet Hot American Summer' and 'The Room,' 'Lebowski' belongs in the canon of nouveau cult classics.

I am a huge Mel Brooks fan. And I do think that not seeing his canon of classics is a bit criminal or clueless.

The world is facing a new networked, digital lifestyle, and we will ensure that Canon remains ahead of the game.

His best-known piece is probably his "Canon in D." He also has 'Hexachordium Apollonis', which is also quite famous.

A realization and a dissection of the canon gave rise to the work. But there's also a sneaking suspicion of the canon.

The greatest block today in the way of woman's emancipation is the church, the canon law, the Bible and the priesthood.

The architect who really designs for a human being has to know a great deal more than just the Five Canons of Vitruvius.

The mission of the A.R.T. is to expand the boundaries of theater through works of the canon and the new works of tomorrow.

When you do an animated series and add characters who are not from the canon, you really have to win over the hardcore fans.

I would literally sit at home and have my friends take pictures of me on my little Canon camera that my mom gave me for Christmas.

My favourite area of Milano is by the canons - I go to an authentic Italian restaurant around there on a Sunday for delicious food.

I didn't know I was a zombie pedant until I started considering what from the zombie canon to keep in 'Zone One' and what to ignore.

I don't think I'm any competition to the already-existing canon of writers in Kannada. How can I ever even think of comparing myself?

Lincoln is a genius of language and a brilliant writer who deserves to be seen as part of the canon of great writers in American literature.

In the history of the prophetic biblical canon that starts with Genesis, the Koran is by far the most tolerant of the views of other religions.

I think the sitcom is the format for television. It's the essential form, and it represents more of the canon of TV, which is why I latched onto it.

The canon is dominated by books written by men, about men, and for men - the male voice is therefore not a particularly difficult one to impersonate.

My husband and I have watched a lot of Hitchcock movies in bulk, and there's a lot to be gained from that, from focusing strictly on an artists canon.

I have been committed to carrying out my duties... in accordance with both the letter and spirit of all applicable rules of ethics and canons of conduct.

Regardless of the medium, be it television or feature or documentary, I'm not gonna distinguish and worry about my particular canon, whatever that means.

We mainly shot 'Cartel Land' with the Canon C300. The camera was dropped, smashed, hit by guns, in dust storms, torrential rain, and it never, ever failed.

Canon is basically a very aggressive company. Our company works on competitive principles. It does not treat people equally, but it does treat them fairly.

I own a Canon 20D, though I don't remember the last time I used it. Ever since the iPhone 4, I've been completely absorbed in taking photos from my mobile phone.

I can't remember exactly how old I was when my parents gave me my first camera, but it was a Canon, and I was certainly far too young to have such a good camera.

And if you think this young boy, from Dallas, Texas, is adding to the canon of theater arts, of performing arts, of cinema, well I'm humbled and I'm very excited.

It is an honor for me to take part in Canon's Project Imagin8ion, partnering with a brand that is empowering young filmmakers and is at the forefront of technology.

'The Canon' is a film podcast that also has much in common with books podcast 'Backlisted.' Both suggest you can get a lot of pleasure out of things that aren't new.

There are some individuals who look at graphic novels as 'canon,' and they cannot change in any way, shape or form, and that's what makes them in some ways good fans.

We're always steered towards what is good in the canon by a male perspective. I like to do plays with a female protagonist who finds her way through. My way is unusual.

I don't really have a favorite camera. I use a Leica and Canon a lot. It depends, especially professionally, on the requirements. But my carry-around camera is a Leica.

The key factor is whether the agent is a member of the Association of Authors' Representatives, which screens its members and requires them to uphold a Canon of Ethics.

It is also the fate of leadership to be misunderstood. For historians, academics, writers and journalists to reflect great lives according to their own subjective canon.

I know the Mad Hatter has a long history in the 'Batman' canon. He's quite a historically rich character, and he's come in a lot of shapes and forms and interpretations.

I'm one of the culprits who keeps turning stuff around, shaking up original tunes and trying to stand the canon on its ear. But sometimes, you just need to sing the song.

Many people know that Shakespeare's dramatic 'canon' was established in 1623 by the publication of the so-called First Folio. That hefty volume contained thirty-six plays.

After the war, prompted by the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, I entered Parliament so that a priest could speak out for the poor, as canon law at that time still permitted.

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