It captures a lot of the spirit of the '50s.

Oil is like a wild animal. Whoever captures it has it.

When a story captures me, it comes quickly and easily.

I believe every religion captures a piece of the truth.

Cinema sustains life. It captures death in its progress.

A novel captures essence that is not possible in any other form.

Coercion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him.

No heirloom of humankind captures the past as do art and language.

I would love to be able to have a brain that just captures everything.

Each kid is unique in what captures their attention and their passion.

What makes 4K so interesting is it captures lifelike cinema-quality video.

I don't think television really captures the speed and the power of skating.

Enthusiasm glows, radiates, permeates and immediately captures everyone's interest.

The banjo is truly an American instrument, and it captures something about our past.

I love both garlic and onions, and this word pithily captures the rich tastes of both.

I believe we owe our young an education that captures the exhilarating drama of science.

You go through life experiences. Each record captures a different turning point in my life.

Children don't make judgments about which details are important... a child captures them all.

I am a blogger - that is an amazing thing for me, because it captures a moment in time every day.

Doo-wop is special music to me because it's so straightforward and melody-driven and captures emotions.

I've always been an enormous fan of comic books and anything that captures the real in a surreal environment.

Great leaders communicate a vision that captures the imagination and fires the hearts and minds of those around them.

My favorite writer is Alice Munro. It's simply amazing how well she captures entire lifetimes in a single short story.

'Tampopo's amazing. I think it's an absolutely fantastic movie, but I don't think it captures for me the meaning of food.

I'm inspired by art - in whatever form it takes. I love when I see a painting or a photograph that captures my attention.

As a filmmaker, deep blacks are essential, and in my experience, no technology captures those attributes as well as Plasma.

I like trying to make sounds that are interesting and are a bit weird. I try to make music that captures people's imaginations.

The two elements the traveler first captures in the big city are extra human architecture and furious rhythm. Geometry and anguish.

I'm always reading several books at the same time, depending on how deeply engrossed in it I am, if it's fiction and if it captures me.

Feminism... I think the simplest explanation, and one that captures the idea, is a song that Marlo Thomas sang, 'Free to be You and Me.'

When you're recording to analog tape, it captures performance and you can't necessarily manipulate that in different ways. It is what it is.

I love the idea of being part of a campaign that captures the spirit of New York and the stories of women here, passionate about their dreams.

One thing 'The Very Best of WCW 'Monday Nitro'' really captures, which I remember very well about WCW, was how absolutely electric the crowds were.

I love Miu Miu for its playfulness; Chanel is cool because it's classic and edgy, and Marc Jacobs really captures the spirit of youth in my opinion.

I am really looking forward to being present in my first three-week race, the Giro d'Italia, a huge and prestigious event that captures one's imagination.

Television won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.

I love 'The Sportswriter' by Richard Ford. Ford really captures for me the bittersweetness of the quietly suffering American man. It's stoic, sad, and really beautiful.

Blue' is actually my favorite chapter because it captures sadness more than the other chapters. That might sound weird but I've always been drawn to the rawest emotions.

You have to offer a product that creates an environment that captures donations, but at the end of the day, it's not the environment that draws in the money but the cause.

The best moments in comics come from a primal image that captures the emotion and the conflict. What you add are the pieces that get you to the point and what happens next.

I hate my picture being taken. A photograph by definition captures one mood. And I have a million facets to my personality; I never use just one. That's why I like TV more.

I don't know how many people really knew who I was before the Olympics and that's the fun thing of the Olympics - you get to know someone who captures your heart, hopefully.

I think the Chainsaw remake is very good and captures the spirit of the original film. It's true to the tone of the original, to the point that it's almost a companion piece.

High school is cool, especially that first-love mentality. That's what 'Sierra Burgess' captures is, like, his first moment of love. That's what I love. I like that innocence.

An adaptable company is one that captures more than its fair share of new opportunities. It's always redefining its 'core business' in ways that open up new avenues for growth.

I am so excited to have created a line that has been inspired by my culture - showing its color, its passion and its greatness - and one that captures much of my personal style.

I have met a lot of top chefs around the world during my travels. Each one of them has said 'Ratatouille' is their favorite movie and the only movie that truly captures what they do.

In 'A Poetics of Optics,' Equi writes that 'all images bank on alchemy.' This idea captures her fundamental sense of poetry as turning common material into something rare and valuable.

A number of the major terrorist captures we have made, the terrorist operations designed for the United States that we have interrupted, were enabled by the terrorist tracking program.

If you can write a catchy melody and a song that captures people around the world, what better thing to do? Other than 'Let Her Go,' I haven't managed to do that. And that's fine by me.

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