Marriage isn't a carnival ride.

I never drank, never party, Carnival, none of that.

That's exactly what Octomom is: a carnival attraction.

I fear the carnival of crime is beginning on our border.

Nothing says summer to me more than Notting Hill Carnival.

I was more or less a carnival attraction. I was a freak show.

Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left.

I went to the carnival a lot. The carousel was my favorite ride as a kid.

In Toronto, the film festival is like a carnival… entire families come to it.

'Carnival Row' is us looking at the stranger; 'The Curiosity' is the stranger looking at us.

I was sure that somewhere a grandiose carnival was going on in the sky, and I was missing it.

The economic game is not supposed to be rigged like some shady ring toss on a carnival midway.

The film 'Black Orpheus' is one of my favorite films of all time, which is set in Carnival in Brazil.

Films have degenerated to their original operation as carnival amusement - they offer not drama but thrills.

Don't believe what the spiritual sharks and clever carnival hustlers tell you about fearless living - they lie.

How many people do you know who have thrown up on the Scrambler or a carnival ride? A lot of people, is the answer.

I've always had a thing for theme parks and their less-glorious cousins, amusement parks, the carnival midway, and others of such ilk.

The true Caribbean people… we are carnival people, we are vibrant people, not dead people. We like to be heard and we like to have fun.

Living in New York always felt to me like living in the middle of a carnival. It never stopped. There was something very exciting about it.

I would come here, too. Who doesn't want a free ride? I want to ride in the carnival for free all day long and put my whole family on welfare.

If you squint at 'Deadwood,' you can see 'Game of Thrones' coming. That's the show that first got me thinking 'Carnival Row' could be a series.

It's a party that's being organized; it's not a protest. The carnival is not like it was a long time ago. Before it was do as you like, take to the streets.

After I got popular, my company gave me a new car. It's not a personal car, but for schedule purposes. It's a little bigger than a Carnival. It even plays TV and DVD!

To be sure, boxing has always been, at best, a shady and sometimes cutthroat business, buttressed by hype and tomfoolery rivalling, at times, that of carnival circuses.

I probably worked every single entertainment medium, including some that don't exist. I worked the circus, carnival, I had my own medicine show, I worked 18 years of radio.

Paying to teach in the trenches was like putting my face through a cutout hole at a carnival while a quarterback threw pies at me. At least with a carnival, I'd see it coming.

According to tarot historian Gertrude Moakley, the cards' fanciful images - from the Fool to Death - were inspired by the costumed figures who participated in carnival parades.

In Brazil, you buy tickets to go to the stadium to watch the carnival, but in Trinidad, you buy a costume and take part. There are very few things that can rival that experience.

I would love to visit Brazil. It's one place I have not been. One of my dreams is to dance with the Carnival girls. I would love to experience a whole night of partying with them.

Notting Hill is a very different carnival from anywhere else. This is an international city, so it represents everybody. You walk around every corner here, you'll hear something new. It's awesome.

The Carnival dancers are such a vital part of any carnival, whether it's in Rio, Mardi Gras or even Notting Hill Carnival in my home town of London. Once you see them, you know it's time to party.

I believe the GOP should pitch its big-top tent around fiscal conservatism and a muscular foreign policy rather than carnival bark outside the sideshow tents of gay marriage and reproductive choice.

When I was a kid and the carnival would come to the shopping centre, I'd go down and talk to all the people running the rides. I like that whole lifestyle, moving from town to town in a nomadic existence.

I first realized I wanted to model when my mum and I were at a local carnival, and she took me to a fashion show. I had never been to one before, and when I saw the girls on the catwalk, I fell in love with them.

I've already done things I never believed I would. Even stepping out of Northampton and being in London - London always seemed like the big city I might go to for Carnival, go for a party and a chill and then head home.

When I heard that 'Dracula' was being made into a series by NBC and Carnival, I couldn't resist. I knew they would do something interesting with it. A period drama with a supernatural twist seemed like a whole lot of fun.

It's getting hard to keep up with all of the news from Washington - witch hunts, conspiracy theories and Republicans tearing each other apart over who is ideologically pure and who is apostate. It's a real set of carnival sideshows.

I think there are people who are born storytellers. I think of someone like T. C. Boyle or Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I think really, without putting any pejorative on it, they're like carnival barkers, 'Come into the tent, and I'll tell you this story.'

Just as Josef K, the protagonist of Kafka's 'The Trial,' awoke one day to discover that he had become part of some unfathomable legal carnival, we, too are frequently waking to discover that the rules of the digital game have once again profoundly changed.

I love Sam Mendes, but I went to see 'Spectre' with my kid, and the opening scene of the Dia de Muertos party, with this kind of tropical music, in downtown Mexico City, with all these people dancing like it's the Rio de Janeiro carnival... I had to laugh.

Baseball is called 'America's Pastime,' but you could argue WWE and wrestling is very similar. We've been around since the carnival days. People want to be entertained. It's obviously two different sports, but everyone appreciates the athleticism of another sport.

Rush Limbaugh is a lame professional swine, and he makes a good living at it. He is like a hired geek in some traveling backwoods carnival - the freaks who bite the heads off chickens - but Limbaugh is a modernized geek who thinks he can bite the heads off of people.

A friend and I were talking about how I don't like carnival rides that make me dizzy. I looked up from the conversation and thought, 'Dizzy - that sounds like a great title for a song.' The next day, I went into the studio with some co-writers, and we wrote that song.

Can I play a southern character? You betcha. Can I do the voice of Tourist Dad and Carnival Barker? Ya betcha. Can I do Fix-It Felix? Ya betcha. But I don't want to just play southern characters, so I hide it; I bury it. I tamp it down like a secret. Like a dirty little secret.

I remember going to the first ever DragCon, and I know this sounds crazy, but I've never experienced a ComicCon or anything like that of this nature. So it was a full carnival of extravaganza. I was a little bit more prepared the second year because I was excited to see everything.

Even the most brilliant accomplishments on the Internet are essentially cold. Google has changed the world, but you don't snuggle up to it. YouTube is a giant carnival, filled with freaks and mountebanks, a place to gawk and laugh and get bored. Certainly not a place to feel anything.

The court jester had the right to say the most outrageous things to the king. Everything was permitted during carnival, even the songs that the Roman legionnaires would sing, calling Julius Caesar 'queen,' alluding, in a very transparent way, to his real, or presumed, homosexual escapades.

When I first started dating my husband, I had this weird fascination with the circus and clowns and old carnival things and sideshow freaks and all that. About a month after we started dating, he bought me this amazing black-and-white photo book on the circus in the 1930s, and I started sobbing.

When I got to Activision, it was like a carnival. They had a recycling container filled with cans and a sign over it that said 'Activision Takeover Defense Fund.' Activision was making games based on passion and gut instinct. We needed to develop games based on P&L statements and what was going to sell.

People who work in horror know they are contributing to a genre that has always been loved and will always be loved - privately. It's the forbidden evil working behind the curtain. My job scoring a horror movie is like being the barker at a carnival. A good barker can get anyone to walk into the roped-off tent.

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