I'm really casual.

I'm a very casual person.

I cannot be casual about my work.

My image in general is real casual.

I have a casual interest in the NBA.

The NFL has captured the casual fan.

Casual elegance is all about the mix.

My style is casual-chic? Casual-messy?

He dispensed starlight to casual moths.

I'm a sweats and UGGs girl. Very casual.

There's no casual wrestling fan anymore.

Life is a right, not collateral or casual.

A lot of film acting is about being casual.

The casual listener won't be around forever.

I don't really know how to do casual clothes.

The only casual item I own is a Levi's jacket.

She was temptation wrapped in casual elegance.

Casual drug users should be taken out and shot.

Casual to me implies a lack of care or thought.

I've had more paternity suits than casual suits.

I would say I'm a casual gamer. I'm not hardcore.

Americans have a casual vibe that I love so much.

I'm a casual watcher. I like to stream everything.

Our relations to each other are oblique and casual.

Handwriting is civilization's casual encephalogram.

I would describe my style as comfortable and casual.

The true nature of evil is that it is so very casual.

Donald Trump is a pretty casual guy. He calls me Paul.

Casual obedience and lukewarm commitment weaken faith.

I'm far from casual. I'm a huge fan of 'Blade Runner.'

I'd like to believe that I'm chic yet cool and casual.

I'm a casual sneaker person, I like to be calm drippy.

Some friends are better shots than are casual enemies.

My style changes every day. I would say its casual chic.

Disease often tells its secrets in a casual parenthesis.

I dress like a bum all the time. I'm a pretty casual fella.

Part of wearing a tee is saying, 'I'm comfortable and casual.'

Mamata Banerjee is just a casual worker, just like a commoner.

As far as dating is concerned, I'm not a casual dating person.

If you go through life being casual, you will end up a casualty

Success can breed contempt, and a casual attitude toward danger.

My goal is to elevate the whole casual end of the guy's wardrobe.

Religion should be the rule of life, not a casual incident in it.

I'm pretty casual. I love Free People and small vintage boutiques.

I tend to think shorts are too casual That's just not businesslike.

In my childhood, we didn't dress up a whole lot. It was very casual.

What's casual for a robot isn't necessarily what's casual for a human.

I'll be the first one to tell you that I'm not the most casual person.

I look like a casual, laid-back guy, but it's like a circus in my head.

Don't take the casual approach to life. Casualness leads to casualties.

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