Tart, cathartic virtue.

I do find acting cathartic.

Writing is very cathartic for me.

Boxing was really cathartic for me.

Being so honest in my writing is cathartic.

It's always cathartic for me to write music.

Music for me is very therapeutic, it's very cathartic.

There's something about doing stand-up that's cathartic.

Comedy can be a cathartic way to deal with personal trauma.

Returning to running has been a really cathartic experience.

I love to write and do photography, as a cathartic experience.

I think when you're at your best as an actor, it is cathartic.

I like to think that my music allows people that cathartic cry.

I've been doing some writing, which I find very cathartic and fun.

There is something cathartic about having absolute loss articulated.

My head translates emotions into song. Songwriting is cathartic for me.

Acting can be an amazingly cathartic thing - especially for young girls.

People say it's cathartic to write a book, but it turned out to be quite painful!

Killing characters on television has become an easy short cut to cathartic emotion.

Sometimes punching a bag for half an hour was pretty cathartic and pretty necessary.

Talking about darker stuff from my life was definitely very cathartic and at times confronting.

Talking about my deepest and darkest secrets to the world makes me feel better. It's cathartic.

Sadness is a necessary emotion. It's maybe not the most pleasant one to have, but it's cathartic.

The greatest movie would be the movie that gave the audience a cathartic feeling of transcendence.

In preventing a riot and dispersing a crowd, the Crucifixion is an example of cathartic victimization.

A lot of people say it's cathartic to cook, and I'm like, 'How is it cathartic washing all these dishes?'

Having the opportunity to express myself through music has been extremely cathartic for me my entire life.

It was my angry, Dickensian novel, I suppose. It was cathartic - I expended a lot of frustration on that one.

Live interaction with a crowd is a cathartic, spiritual kind of exchange, and it's intensified at a festival.

I like talking one-on-one to everyone. I find it really sort of cathartic and interesting to hear people's opinions.

To record an album is cathartic, or at least it was with 'Belus,' but to make music is more fulfilling than anything else, I think.

The horror genre is real cathartic. It allows us to bring out the things that scare us and get it out and have an emotional release.

Hopefully when you listen to a song, you can say, 'That's me,' or 'That's someone I know' - you relate to it in a way that's cathartic.

It's pretty cathartic for me to write a letter to God and tell him what I'm praying for that day or what I'm going through emotionally.

I like a good cry - it's cathartic; it's a release. But I've never been able to be so free to do that on camera the way some actors can.

Music's always been really cathartic. It's the best drug for me to get away from the everyday pressures just for a second via a good song.

And music has always been incredibly cathartic for me, whether it's writing my own stuff or singing other people's music; it's very freeing.

Horror serves a cathartic role in human society, all throughout the world. It is a way of confronting the darkness, both within and without.

Going to Belgium proved to be quite a cathartic experience for me because it eventually helped to heal the situation of leaving Leicester too.

I'm shy, and I can hide behind my acting and discover the truth about myself because it's cathartic in that way. But I tend not to read reviews.

I don't know where the idea originated that memoir writing is cathartic. For me, it's always felt like playing my own neurosurgeon, sans anesthesia.

Mostly singing was cathartic, writing was cathartic, therapeutic. I don't think I had a goal, particularly, to sing or put it out there for anybody.

I've always enjoyed doing dishes. Maybe it was the fashionable yellow gloves that I loved so much. It's weird, I know, but I find cleaning cathartic.

I know that Wes Craven feels watching horror films does have a psychological effect, in a good way. It is very cathartic. He might be right about that.

I love the privilege of looking back on my life every three years, turning it into a comedy show, and sharing it with an audience. It's incredibly cathartic.

I don't want to take myself too seriously, thinking that I'm always having to be this cathartic, intense and deep person, because I certainly enjoy silliness.

It's really cathartic to play my songs live. I'm a really non-confrontational person, so my songs are kind of like all the things I never get to say to anyone.

I have never been depressed or thrown a plate, which I attribute to the cathartic effects of writing books about people whose lives are more grueling than mine.

I don't keep a journal anymore. I did when I was younger, and I think its good for young girls to try and express what they are feeling on paper; it's cathartic.

I have always been a great fan of albums that are cathartic and that you can listen to them together and you can relate to them as a group of people or as friends.

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