Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

Every chapter in life helps you move forward.

Draft day is just another chapter in my life.

Japan has opened a new chapter in its history.

I try to have a mood or a rhythm for a chapter.

This is an exciting time. A new chapter in our history.

If I'm writing and a chapter isn't coming, I just move ahead.

See, life is a journey and every chapter is very interesting.

Democracy is not always chapter and verse, written out in advance.

History is dependent on the new generation to write a new chapter.

'Red Hook Summer' is another chapter in my chronicles of Brooklyn.

I read one chapter of a book and put it down. Thank God for Kindle.

Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre.

He will be beginning a brand new chapter in the Michael Jackson legend.

Many, many of my paintings have come from the first chapter of Moby Dick.

'The Vampire Diaries' is a serialized drama. It deserved its final chapter.

I've been very fortunate to go from interesting chapter to interesting chapter.

Dylan Thomas is now as much a case history as a chapter in the history of poetry.

After writing several chapter books, I found my true passion: historical fiction.

I gotta be honest with you... I hate numbers. I hate chapter numbers. I hate them.

The final story, the final chapter of Western man, I believe, lies in Los Angeles.

My cookbooks are like a personal journey for me, they're like a chapter in my life.

Oppression doesn't disappear just because you decided not to teach us that chapter.

Who can't relate to the idea of leaving one chapter behind and moving on to the next?

I have all these revelations as I'm writing. Each song is like a chapter of my diary.

When I signed with Bellator, I knew this would be a new positive chapter in my career.

I feel like I've started a new chapter in my life, and I need to leave the past behind.

I thought my book was done, then we went to Hawaii and the whole last chapter happened.

I didn't want my last chapter to be the guy who sits at the piano and sings love songs.

I may be leaving the Senate, but the next chapter in my public service is just beginning.

Live albums are very important for Rush, and they became sort of a closing chapter for us.

A lot of other things come along with Chapter 11, which basically end up in a lot of pain.

Chapter 11 is an expensive process that does not accommodate the special needs of farmers.

It may be that the carbon tax is the final chapter in the strange death of Labor Australia.

There are no Hallmark cards that define the next chapter, or the value of a history together.

I've really enjoyed doing 'Annie Get Your Gun' and loved Neil Simon stuff like 'Chapter Two.'

I was having a lot of people ask me to update 'The Shock Doctrine' and add a chapter about Trump.

When one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language.

Baseball was a chapter in my life, and now I'm excited to start another chapter as a hitting coach.

Every book for me is a chapter in the long book which will finally be closed on the day of my death.

I originally wrote 'The Martian' as a free serial novel, posting one chapter at a time to my website.

You can't judge an album by a single song; it's like judging a book by only reading a single chapter.

Marriage - a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose.

Klaxons was a really great chapter in my earlier life, and now I'm older and happy doing other things.

There's a lot of nerves, a lot of excitement, a little bit of sadness leaving the chapter in Columbus.

Your emotional life is not written in cement during childhood. You write each chapter as you go along.

With God's help and guidance, we shall soon see the end of this most unpleasant chapter in our history.

The need for raising the awareness of this shameful chapter in U.S. history is more apparent than ever.

I went back and reread the Dinosaur chapter in 'Our Band Could Be Your Life,' and it was so depressing.

I had four great years at Palace but just felt it was the right time to start a new chapter of my career.

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