Too much agreement kills a chat.

Too much agreement kills the chat.

I tell jokes, chat with people, and make stuff.

Most people are nice and just want to have a chat.

I am a happy-go-lucky guy in real life. I like to chat a lot.

I'm not really a cutter-off sort of person. I'll chat to anybody.

I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up.

The Internet: transforming society and shaping the future through chat.

I am a very introvert person who cannot initiate a chat with a stranger.

When I paint at home with friends, I have a chat and it's just a good time.

People want chat histories. They're a permanent testimony of a relationship.

You know what, Kawhi talks the most in our group chat. The dude is a leader.

I'm one of those women who likes to chat and share knowledge and pass it around.

Clearly texting, SMS and chat are very different than writing a letter or email.

In general, I like whatever my mother cooks. But I especially like her chat meals.

I have spent many a night in an Internet chat room, but not since I've been married.

I love to go to the bar close by for a good espresso and have a chat with the bartender.

I didn't chat with Vince McMahon all the time, but he always gave me great opportunities.

Social distancing does not mean isolation. Call and video chat with friends and loved ones.

As a kid, I always wanted to be Carol Burnett or Johnny Carson. I love to chat and entertain.

Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically created a level playing field for deaf people.

People can never work out where they know me from. They just come up and chat with me like mates.

I've never been one to chat about others without actually beating them. I don't get it, personally.

I don't have the identity of any of them. I only had the nicks that they used on Internet Relay Chat.

Sometimes when you chat about something, a few ideas come up, you go this way or that way in training.

Not to be pompous about it - my thing in life is to write history and not to chat on TV 24 hours a day.

I want to know who my client is. I see her on Instagram, but it's another thing to get to chat with her.

I'm not gonna lie. I used to be in AOL chat rooms a lot causing trouble back when you had dial-up modems.

I've never met Beckham, but I'd love to. I'm a massive fan of him. Hopefully we can cross paths and chat.

Games don't cause racism. But the real-time chat makes nasty comments hard to moderate and easy to spread.

I want to do a 'Facejacker' film. I want to explore the characters more, maybe do a Terry Tibbs chat show.

There is a big dining table at In Sung hyung's house. That's our hangout spot, and we drink teas and chat.

Growing up in a small town in upstate New York, some of the first real friendships I had were in chat rooms.

A female celebrity just has to chat and smile with a guy for him to become the new man in her life. Amazing.

I do chat to my mother in Norwegian, particularly when we want a secret conversation. It is useful that way.

Back when I was a student, I had Steve Jobs over to my house for a fireside chat with the GSB High Tech Club.

One day, I would like to have my own chat show. Oprah is my idol because she uses her platform so responsibly.

I get embarrassed by people. It's really awkward for me to have a chat with people who have been to see a gig.

For me, anyone who is over 80, I generally sit down and have a chat to because he is over 80, and he is going OK.

Back when 'social' had a broad definition, you could almost say that Yahoo Finance chat was the first social product.

I feel comfortable in Spanish, I chat like a parrot, but I don't have the confidence in Spanish that I do in English.

I am more of an introvert person who is a little shy to get into random chat. I would rather observe people silently.

Most novels I come across have all the excitement of a long trip on a bus with a sensitive glee club. Yammer and chat.

I've never chatted up a girl in me life. I've always let girls come to me. I've never approached a girl to chat her up.

People bemoan the loss of watercooler chat, but I think that there's more of that than ever. It's just that it's online.

All of this conversation about chat and assistance lays the groundwork for what I would look at as the future of commerce.

I feel sex is a common topic everyone see in content of any television shows be it a fiction or live comedy or a chat show.

I would love to see the first people to get married from HQ. Maybe they'll meet in the chat and name their first child Scott.

If I could chat with anyone, it would be Claire Messud, because I think she could tell me how to get better as a writer as I age.

I've always been kind of a shy guy. Not very outgoing. I might not start a conversation, but if somebody else does, I'll chat away.

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