You give up your narcissism, your egotism. That's how you achieve chemistry.

Chemistry's a tricky thing, and if I'm not feeling it, I'm not gonna pretend.

You mix a bunch of ingredients, and once in a great while, chemistry happens.

Team chemistry is what really matters, your team chemistry and team toughness.

I think chemistry is just about two people being comfortable with one another.

A love story definitely demands a great onscreen chemistry between its actors.

You can't force chemistry. It's either there or it's not. You can't create it.

The chemistry of a pair on screen is known only when the audience reacts to it.

We call chemistry the 'c' word on 'Top Gear,' and you can't fake that, can you?

I am the mild-mannered organic chemistry teacher at the University of Oklahoma.

As I had always said, it takes two people to work hard to create the chemistry.

I enjoy Dinosaur for what it is. It's a unique band that has a unique chemistry.

I read science books, chemistry books, history books. I read that stuff for fun.

... chemistry is a trade for people without enough imagination to be physicists.

My pheromones and my chemistry and the way I walk - I am divine feminine energy.

Chemistry on film is like chemistry in real life, it's either there or it isn't.

If the chemistry between me and the artist is good, then that's half the battle.

I think Kriti and I have great onscreen chemistry, which translates in real life.

I was quite nerdy at school. I skipped a year and won a scholarship in chemistry.

All theoretical chemistry is really physics; and all theoretical chemists know it.

No inanimate object is ever fully determined by the laws of physics and chemistry.

I'm a chemistry guy. I believe you've got to play together to have a chance to win.

I firmly believe that you can't manufacture chemistry with anyone, let alone a kid.

The teams that have got good continuity, good chemistry typically have more success.

Deep breathing changes the chemistry of the body by bringing oxygen into the tissue.

Cooking and gardening involve so many disciplines: math, chemistry, reading, history.

Chemistry is one of those things: it's hard to nail down what it is or how you get it.

Organic Chemistry has become a vast rubbish heap of puzzling and bewildering compounds.

To be perfectly truthful, I was not a very brilliant student, even at chemistry school.

Chemistry's a funny thing. It can be instantaneous, but it helps when you know someone.

Whenever you have chemistry on-screen, then you have to be very attracted to the person.

It's important that the director and actor have good chemistry, and not just the actors.

My undergraduate, I double-majored in biology and chemistry. Biology was kind of my love.

In the lab, we're discovering that nature can do chemistry we never dreamed was possible.

If two actors can communicate well during a scene, it works and makes for good chemistry.

Actors don't have to be linked in real life for the chemistry to be translated on screen.

Chemistry is a very important element for any team that wants to be serious about winning.

The organic material, as the laws of chemistry state, can neither be created nor destroyed.

I love Alton Brown's show 'Good Eats,' about the chemistry of food. It's really thoughtful.

Sometimes chemistry does the trick, and other times, you have to forge that with the people.

If the characters are acting true to themselves, then that chemistry and suspense will flow.

Chicken fizz! O Lord, protect all of us who toil in the vineyards of experimental chemistry!

In my schooling through high school, I excelled mainly in chemistry, physics and mathematics.

When you have chemistry with a potential hire, they will most likely become a great employee.

I was also interested in chemistry, but my parents were not willing to buy me a chemistry set.

If a man is going to write on chemistry, he learns chemistry. The same is true of Christianity.

At school I briefly wanted to be a palaeontologist, but I was no good at chemistry and physics.

If he gets everyone involved, everyone is happy and you have that chemistry and you're winning.

When I was 11 years old, my mother bought me one of those chemistry sets, and I stayed with it.

During my McGill years, I took a number of math courses, more than other students in chemistry.

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