Indeed, if "biology is chemistry with history," as somebody has said, then nature writing is biology with love.

Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something.

My feeling is that we can genetically encode almost any kind of chemistry. We just have to learn how to do that.

I had worked with The Shield quite a bit, live events and things like that so we had good chemistry in the ring.

As a child, I envisioned a career in the hard sciences. In sixth grade, I was buying college chemistry textbooks.

I had a great chemistry teacher and found it really interesting to learn how things are made up and how they work.

I say get all three of my boys and you have a championship... the chemistry is the best ever between the brothers.

That's the world we live in: when it comes to economics, people have emotions; it's not like chemistry or physics.

Paul Heyman works with Brock. The magic works between Brock and Paul because of their dynamic and their chemistry.

Just because you put super great musicians together, it doesn't mean you're going to have that chemistry as a band.

Chemistry's a word that people who make hires and decisions say, 'Hey, you guys go out and work on your chemistry!'

I think chemistry is finding something you love about a person and then transfering it to an in love kind of thing.

Few scientists acquainted with the chemistry of biological systems at the molecular level can avoid being inspired.

In inorganic chemistry the radicals are simple; in organic chemistry they are compounds—that is the sole difference.

Throughout his life Newton must have devoted at least as much attention to chemistry and theology as to mathematics.

'Pop' is not a bad word. What's more interesting than changing the chemistry in a room in three minutes with a song?

There has to be chemistry in a duet, but if you go beyond the point of friendship and attraction, you lose something.

On 'I'm A Celebrity' it's important to have chemistry and to have a friendship as a starting point you can grow from.

Our cells engage in protein production, and many of those proteins are enzymes responsible for the chemistry of life.

My chemistry with Salman goes long back, and we have a great equation. Doing a film with him is no less than a dream.

Chemistry [between people] is not the easiest thing to evaluate. Just like talent and health, these things can change.

We're seeing a move toward making things that either chemistry cannot make or can't make efficiently but biology does.

I'm interested in using evolution to move forward into the future, to get biology to do a lot of new chemistry for us.

Sometimes I get too wound up in my chemistry, but if you play chamber music, it's impossible to think about chemistry.

I resist the idea of there being on-screen chemistry. I think it's something that people like to say without thinking.

I've started to think it must just be chemistry, in which case we're looking for the Shift and we haven't found it yet.

It doesn't matter whether it is chemistry or immunology or neuroscience: I just do research on what I find interesting.

The chemistry from compounds in the environment is orders of magnitude more complex than our best chemists can produce.

There was something about the chemistry of the band and we would feed off each other. It was a gang of girls unleashed.

The ultimate aim of the modern movement in biology is in fact to explain all biology in terms of physics and chemistry.

Chemistry is a contribution that teammates make to each other, but it's also something a coach can create or facilitate.

I don't think you really have chemistry in the way that you want between two actors unless frustration is there as well.

I dropped chemistry because there was a cute boy, and I figured out if I dropped chemistry, I would be in his drama class.

In 'Fukrey Returns,' the love between Hunny and Priya grows stronger and so, you'll see them sharing an evolved chemistry.

I think a first date is kind of like an interview. If I feel like we have chemistry, I will divulge more of myself to them.

Al Nuke is almost like a real brother to me. Our chemistry is crazy because we're like night and day, but we blend so well.

What people don't realise is that it is the script which plays the most important factor in making or breaking a chemistry.

The second I met Zac, I thought he was a really cool guy. It's hard not to have chemistry with someone who is so attractive.

It is nice to get reps and to slowly build that timing and chemistry. To be able to do that, you start to get into a rhythm.

There is no true understanding of Biology without Chemistry. And there's no true understanding of Chemistry without Physics.

I think it's just a chemistry thing, feeling each other out. The more you play with each other, the better it's going to be.

All good teams have that trust and that chemistry where you're able to get on each other and know it's for a better purpose.

Some of the greatest relationship films of all time, the two stars have hated each other, but mostly you see that chemistry.

We are not only warming the ocean and the planet as a whole, but we are also acidifying the ocean and changing its chemistry.

Starting with 'Thirteen,' my known technique is to cast the lead, then find someone with whom they have incredible chemistry.

I tend to have great chemistry with whomever I step in the ring with because of the way I train and came up in this business.

I liked all of my science classes from biology to chemistry. I thought dissecting was one of the most interesting parts of it.

The chemistry that you get from living with your band and creating music and recording with your band translates to the stage.

Andy Timmons is someone I've jammed with many times over the years, and we always have a great chemistry when playing together.

Good actors can sort of see into people and immediately you have a chemistry with them or not. It's like an affair with no mess.

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