I love Chicago.

I love Chicago.

Chicago is amazing.

I love being in Chicago.

I was Miss Chicago in 1946.

I love that movie 'Chicago.'

Food in Chicago is the best.

Chicago - a pompous Milwaukee.

Chicago is a pretty good town.

In Chicago, we love our crooks!

Chicago - it's a mini-New York.

I am an American – Chicago born.


I've made it clear I like Chicago.

I love Chicago. Chicago is my home.

I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago.

I'm just a stage actor from Chicago.

I live and die with the Chicago Cubs

I live and die with the Chicago Cubs.

In Chicago, they die for their teams.

I want to be in Chicago. I'd like to.

I like the Bulls, the Bears - Chicago.

I love this city and the Chicago fans.

Chicago is old stomping grounds for me.

I was knocked out by the show, Chicago.

I grew up 45 minutes outside of Chicago.

Chicago's always a friendly place to me.

Chicago is a rough city. It made me raw.

There are so many good venues in Chicago.

Chicago happened slowly, like a migraine.

It's terrible what's going on in Chicago.

In the twilight, it was a vision of power.

Politics never takes a holiday in Chicago.

But when I go to Chicago, I know I'm home.

Chicago Bears tradition speaks for itself.

Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values.

You feel like an ant contemplating Chicago.

When I got to Chicago I had to find my way.

I moved to Chicago in 1980 to go to college

Chicago is a lot of my background as a chef.

I adore Chicago. It is the pulse of America.

I was on morning TV for 10 years in Chicago.

I moved to Chicago in 1980 to go to college.

My alma mater is the Chicago Public Library.

I was assigned to the heavy cruiser Chicago.

And there was no money in Chicago for a band.

I love Chicago. I think it's an amazing city.

Coming from Chicago, I like a white Christmas.

The studio that we mix in is still in Chicago.

My roots really instilled Chicago values in me.

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