I spent my whole childhood looking for an escape.

I drop to the curb like childhood leaving a body.

Childhood is over when you know you’re gonna die.

I have been a fan of comic books since childhood.

Nobody writes if they have had a happy childhood.

I had a bit of a strange childhood, to be honest.

The childhood of today is the manhood of tomorrow

My childhood was happy, joyful but very difficult.

A happy childhood is the pledge of a ripe manhood.

My childhood was as conventional as you could get.

In the lost boyhood of Judas, Christ was betrayed.

This life is but the childhood of our immortality.

My childhood was not an episode from Downton Abbey

I had really loving parents and a happy childhood.

To be more creative is to get closer to childhood.

Kids believe in Santa; adults believe in childhood.

My mom loves music and it poured into my childhood.

Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.

Delight and liberty, the simple creed of childhood.

The only hero known to my childhood was Henry Clay.

The impressions of childhood are never obliterated.

When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults.

I am a sucker for that childhood romance narrative.

My father wouldn't let me take typing in childhood.

Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil.

Religion: Something comparable to childhood neurosis

That boundless freedom of childhood is so wonderful.

You either keep your childhood innocence or you rot!

Vietnam was what we had instead of happy childhoods.

Childhood. I wish I had something to complain about.

I'm sure I had low-level scurvy all of my childhood.

A happy childhood has spoiled many a promising life.

Our whole life is but a greater and longer childhood.

What laughter is to childhood, sex is to adolescence.

Pears are my favorite fruit! Reminds me of childhood.

Childhood - that was not my favorite time in my life.

Maintain a childhood enthusiasm for the game of golf.

Pictures made in childhood are painted in bright hues.

Childhood devotions make unfaithful and fickle lovers.

On paper, it looks rough, but I had a great childhood.

My childhood home backed onto wheat and cotton fields.

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons.

Its an eerie thing. My childhood is being washed away.

When I was a child, I had a quiet, protected childhood.

All I can say is that I had an extraordinary childhood.

Video games and outdoor sports - that was my childhood.

Baseball represents family. It represents my childhood.

Your childhood hunger is the one that never leaves you.

Nobody became an actor because he had a good childhood.

Everything is ceremony in the wild garden of childhood.

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