Lefty Grove could throw a lamb chop past a wolf.

Imagine the ball has little legs, and chop them off.

I'm such a foodie. If I see a pork chop, I'm eating it.

I can chop and peel vegetables but can't cook full meals.

I have a lot of cultures within me - I'm basically chop suey.

I believe in nonfat. I gain two pounds when I eat a lamb chop.

Volunteering is as Iowan as pork chop on a stick at the State Fair.

I like when guests come over early and we chop veggies and talk and play music.

You've got to chop back the performance like a rose bush. That's when it's beautiful.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Funding for sports (and the arts) are often the first things facing the chop in difficult times.

Any time you stick your neck out in high school, there's someone right there to chop your head off.

It's long been a cliche in Washington that if you hang a lamb chop in your window, guests will come.

I adore water, so it would be a real adventure to visit the Amazon before they chop down all the trees.

I write and chop with my left hand and do everything else, including eating with a knife, with my right.

Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.

I'm glad 'Honest' came out right after 'Karate Chop,' because I don't want to be seen as a one-hit wonder.

I love watching a single pork chop seasoned with garlic and shallots cook and see the fat bubble around it.

I quit drinking, so I can think clear. When you have chop trouble, drinking doesn't help the healing process.

Cooking is physical; it's easier to learn than playing golf. You chop food, you pan fry it - what else is there to it?

I know people think that I always play these characters who are in control and can chop someone's head off with a look.

If you're trying to raise a son, it gives you a chance to say things like, 'Chop your own wood; it will warm you twice.'

I had to learn how to chop wood actually - I don't think my dad would have let me go chop wood in the backyard growing up.

Why are people always shooting zombies? Why not just chop their heads off? How can zombies get you if you have a good sword?

Hef is boring to cook for. He likes a total of four main dishes: fried chicken, pot roast, pork roast and pork chop sandwich!

I don't go to any sexy places to eat where they give you half a lamb chop and one bean. I like going, 'Uhhh, I'm done' when I eat.

When I started on the very first day with just one restaurant, we used to pick oregano off the stems and chop them. We still do that.

Atlanta is interesting. You have high education rates but there are plenty of regular folks. People have degrees but chop wood on weekends.

I always think of a show like a plant - a little pruning now and then keeps it healthy, but you shouldn't pull it out and chop the roots up.

So he said 'I'm going to chop off the bottom of one of your trouser legs and put it in a library.' I thought 'That's a turn-up for the books.'

In the past, my process would start with a sample of another song, and I'd chop it up and use that as the basis of the song that I was making.

When you chop down a tree you can look at the rings and see what the tree's been through. That's what you can do when you listen to my records.

Sometimes you're inspired by an old-school song that you want to chop up and make a sample out of it. I find that with a lot of older Motown music.

The thing with my recipes is, I don't have hours to faff about in the kitchen. My recipes are all 15, 20 minute, chop it up and stick it in the oven.

When I was about 14, I got a splicing kit, which means you could chop up the film into little pieces and switch the order around and glue it together.

My grandparents back in Kentucky owned a tobacco farm. So, to make money in the summer, we could cut and chop and top and house and strip the tobacco.

If you come to The Kitchen and get a pork chop with polenta, which is our kind of food - simple - there is only one way it should taste at The Kitchen.

A proper respect for nature means that you can't pollute the air, poison the rivers and chop down the forests indiscriminately without suffering greatly.

I can wash utensils, chop vegetables and can fold beds. I don't think I can do anything beyond it. In fact, cleaning toilet pots is my biggest nightmare.

I have to do so many scenes cooking that I wanted to learn how to chop like I know what I'm doing and do certain things around the kitchen that look right.

'Solja Rag' was designed for Juvenile. It wasn't one of them beats where I was gonna chop it and see who I was going give it to: it was Juvenile all over it.

I don't believe that if you are going to build a long-term, sustainable brand that you can chop up every component part and expect everyone to have a perfect P&L.

The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble.

I enjoy domestic life. Cooking gives me great pleasure, especially if I can chop vegetables slowly and think about what I'm doing and dream a little about this and that.

With wok cooking, you chop things up into little pieces for maximum surface area, so they can cook in minutes, if not seconds. Sauteing is energy efficient; baking is not.

Salt is a preservative. It really holds flavor. For example, if you chop up some fresh herbs, or even just garlic, the salt will extract the moisture and preserve the flavor.

We have the ability to be able, if we have the right resources around us, to really do chop and change and have fun in our time and not just be stuck in one world or the other.

When I was in school, I would use a roller brush to curl my hair inwards. Once, the brush got stuck in my hair and I had to chop off my hair with a knife. It was a total disaster!

When I'm away from New York, the thing I miss the most is the food. I miss going to my deli to get a pomegranate-flavored aloe water and a chop cheese. That's my favorite sandwich.

You've got to be careful of guys trying to chop-block you. You know, running backs, the receivers. You've got to just hope that your knees are fine and you can avoid those chop blocks.

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