I had an explosion on my vocal chord.

My favourite chord? Bb6th with added 9th.

Why play a chord when you can play one note?

We'd hold a chord for three hours if we could.

I loved Jimmy Reed, the chord changes, the lyrics.

I studied chord theory and started playing the piano.

You just pick up a chord, go twang, and you're got music.

I can read a chord chart, but I couldn't read a note chart.

With Audioslave, it's all about melody and chord progressions.

Anytime I can use open strings in a chord, or add a ninth, I will.

I found a favorite chord, which is B flat 7 - that's my favorite chord.

I like inventive melodies and chord changes, a little bit of creativity.

Songs I do have to strike an emotional chord the first time I sing them.

Sometimes adults seem as though they have cut a chord from being a child.

I've always been attracted to odd chord changes and interesting melodies.

I remember sobbing myself to sleep because I couldn't play an open G chord.

Do you know it took me 27 years to understand the C major chord on the piano?

I love to work with producers who are very good with their chord progressions.

Every action of your life touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.

One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz.

I'm a guy who doesn't know the name of the chord, but I know that it sounds good.

I've played the guitar since I was 12, and just taught myself songs chord by chord.

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I like really sparse electronics, lush arrangements, and interesting chord structures.

I don't have musical theory or great chord knowledge, but what I have got me where I am.

Using open strings is a great way to add texture and atmosphere to any chord progression.

I'm still disturbed if a chord isn't together, but your priorities change as you get older.

Fair treatment of human beings and animals in many different realms strikes a chord with me.

Yes, basically, like you said, I'll work out a chord pattern and work out the lyrics over that.

My favorite punk rock song is 'Linoleum' by NOFX. That's pure harmony, the coolest chord changes.

For me, as much fun as it is to watch wrestling is, actually wrestling is what struck a chord with me.

There are certain choices you make as a songwriter, based on vowel sounds and melody and chord changes.

I love those kinds of parts that don't seem to be huge but they really strike a chord with the audience.

There's so many ways you can play one chord progression that the repetition isn't ever exactly the same.

The most common power chord in metal is the root/fifth, but root/third diads are also worth checking out.

I had to learn chord shapes. I bought books with chord charts. I used to listen to all kinds of pop music.

It's tough to play the right chord on the instrument when there's someone out there who wants to kill you.

I think The Hulk really hit a chord with me, I love the Hulk. But, I never dreamt I'd be playing Doctor Doom.

Sometimes a chord on a guitar will somehow spur some thought in your head, and you will write a song about it.

I fell in love with R&B music at a young age. The energy and aesthetic of that genre strike an emotional chord with me.

I knew if I wanted to improvise over chord changes, I'd have to figure out all the scales that went with all those chords.

How many ways can you cut a steak? How many ways can a chord go? I've been in this business so long, I know how to cut it.

Over the years I have become convinced that we learn best - and change - from hearing stories that strike a chord within us.

I'm not an abrasive person. I do speak my mind, but my goal is never to offend. I don't intentionally want to strike a chord.

The thing that strikes a chord with me... as a mother... is to think of my 17-year-old son fighting would be just terrifying.

The first thing that inspires any song is a chord progression. When I have one I really like, I get into the lyrics even more.

As an actor, you want as much variety as you can muster up. Otherwise you just keep playing the same chord over and over again.

I love classical music; I love the way it's worked... all those chord sequences so I often use that sort of effect in my solos.

I learned to embrace my individuality, and if that meant writing a song on one chord over and over again, then that's what I do.

As the chord changes go by, I don't so much think about a static chord voicing changing. I just see the notes on the neck change.

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