Publish and be damned.

You bloody silly fool!

Reader, I married him.

Am I no a bonny fighter?

Do people trip over you?

Oh, I am fortune's fool!

Gentlemen prefer blondes.

British women can't cook.

Russia is classic fascism.

I'm really pretty classic.

All men are created equal.

It's a vast waste of space.

Tell the children the truth.

Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!

Do you work in a strip club?

They're not mating are they?

I enjoy classic Led Zeppelin.

Trifles make the sum of life.

April is the cruellest month.

A stately pleasure-dome decree.

I am too pure for you or anyone.

Classical ballet will never die.

So this is feminist corner then.

I'm a huge fan of classic sci-fi.

You managed not to get eaten then?

Parineeta is a classic love story.

Revenge is a kind of wild justice.

I am a classic 'Star Trek' fanatic.

I truly love a classic Caesar salad.

Are you running away from something?

'The Big Sky' is an American classic.

'Halloween' is classic Michael Myers.

I want to be seen as a classic model.

I like to do things that are classic.

It is magnificent, but it is not war.

I love looking like classic Hollywood.

You have mosquitoes. I have the Press.

It's a great life, if you don't weaken.

All i want is a dress with puffy sleaves

There's a lot of your family in tonight.

'Mother India' is a classic that I love.

Do you still throw spears at each other?

The classic literature is always modern.

I try to be classic without being mumsy.

Oh! You're the people ruining the rivers.

Earth has not anything to show more fair.

Can you tell the difference between them?

A classic is a book that remains in print

Kids like classic rock, and so do adults.

You're not wearing mink knickers,are you?

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